New Earth: Part 1

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~There is a note at the bottom of the chapter explaining the small use of Luna throughout the story now~

The Doctor and {Y/N} move around the TARDIS console, preparing it for travel while Rose said her goodbyes to Mickey and Jackie. As the center of the console lights up, creating the loved whooshing sound, the Doctor smiles. {Y/N} moves around him, placing a quick kiss on his cheek as she goes. The Doctor spins around in surprise before sending {Y/N} a flirty wink causing her to laugh.

The TARDIS doors open, Rose rushing inside with a smile. "So where are we going?" She asks as the TARDIS takes flight.

"Further than we've ever gone before." The Doctor says with a wide smile as he and {Y/N} flip different switches setting them on their new path.


The TARDIS lands. Excited, Rose walks out the TARDIS doors followed by the Doctor and {Y/N}. "This is the year five billion and twenty-three." {Y/N} says with a smile, looking over the surrounding area.

"We're in the galaxy M87, and this?" The Doctor says, also looking around with a childlike smile.

"This is New Earth." {Y/N} says with a soft smile as she looks at Rose.

In the distance stood a futuristic city with flying transport that flew over the three as they fly into the city.

"That's just. That's just..." Rose laughs.

"Not bad. Not bad at all." The Doctor smiles.

"That's amazing. I'll never get used to this. Never. Different ground beneath my feet, different sky. What's that smell?" Rose says jumping about happily.

"Apple grass." {Y/N} smiles as she plucks some from the ground.

"Apple grass." Rose sighs happily.


"It's beautiful. Oh, I love this. Can I just say, travelling with you two, I love it." Rose beams, smiling at the two cheerfully.

"Us too. Come on." The Doctor grabs {Y/N}'s hand and sprints off, an amused Rose trailing behind them.


{Y/N} sits in between the Doctor's legs, resting against his chest as his arms circle her, his head resting upon hers while Rose lays beside them. "So, the year five billion, the sun expands, the Earth gets roasted." The Doctor says quite bluntly.

"That was our first outing." Rose says happily.

"We had chips. They were good chips." {Y/N} points out, causing the two to laugh.

"So anyway, planet gone, all rocks and dust, but the human race lives on, spread out across the stars. Soon as the Earth burns up, oh yeah, they get all nostalgic, big revival movement, but then find this place. Same size as the Earth, same air, same orbit. Lovely. Call goes out, the humans move in." The Doctor says.

"What's the city called?" Rose wonders.

"New New York." {Y/N} says, stifling a laugh.

"Oh, come on."

"It is. It's the city of New New York. Strictly speaking, it's the fifteenth New York since the original, so that makes it New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York." The Doctor says. Rose and {Y/N} laugh. "What?"

"You're so different." Rose says scrunching her face.

"New New Doctor." {Y/N} mumbles, the Doctor shakes her lightly causing her to laugh.

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