Aliens Of London: Part 2

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(Edited to fit the new storyline, friends to lovers.)

The TARDIS makes a short circuit noise as the Doctor tries to fly it to the crash site. "Pass me the hammer!" The Doctor shouts at {Y/N}, who was helping him fly the ship.

"Why do you want the hammer?!" She shouts back confused as she reaches over the console to grab the hammer as the TARDIS shakes violently. Straining, she manages to reach the hammer and leans towards the Doctor to hand it to him. Taking it he begins banging it against the controls. "That is not going to help!"

"Hold on to something!" The Doctor shouts as he slams the controls one last time. The TARDIS lands sending {Y/N} down on the grated floor. "See the hammer is helpful." He kisses the hammer before looking over at {Y/N}.

"Ow, that hurt." {Y/N} whispers. The Doctor goes towards her and helps her to her feet.

"What part of 'hang on' didn't you understand." He says.

"What do you think I was trying to do? Body surf the floor." {Y/N} scoffs.

"Not holding on obviously." He sasses. {Y/N} smiles as she pushes him towards the TARDIS doors. Opening them the Doctor sees that the TARDIS has parked herself in a storeroom.

"Well, it could have been worse. You could have had her facing the wall." {Y/N} says, looking around. "Again."

"Oh, shush!" {Y/N} looks at the Doctor with squirted eyes as he sonics' the door.

"If I knew this was what we were doing today I would have worn more...appropriate clothes." {Y/N} says, looking down at her choice of clothes.

"But you do look fantastic." The Doctor smiles, making her chuckle at his compliment. 

The storeroom door was unlocked in a matter of seconds. The two walk out and find themselves in a room full of soldiers, who stare at the two for a moment before pointing their guns at them. The Doctor smiles as he puts his hand out, stopping {Y/N} from moving further into the room. A scream brakes the silence causing the Doctor and {Y/N} to run towards the sound.

"Defense plan delta! Come on. Move! Move!" The Doctor shouts. The soldiers quickly scrambling after them. They soon all stood in the room where the scream came from.

"Hello?" {Y/N} calls out quietly as she walks around the room.

"It's alive!" {Y/N} walks towards the cowering female.

"Spread out. Tell the perimeter it's a lockdown." The Doctor says while walking towards the two females.

"My god. It's still alive." 

"Do you not understand orders." {Y/N} asks confused when nobody moves.

"Well go on, move!" The Doctor shouts. The soldiers nod in understanding before running off. {Y/N} looks up at the Doctor with raised brows. "What?" She smiles slightly before shaking her head as she turns back to the cowering female.

"I swear it was dead."

"They could have been in a coma, been in shock or in hibernation, it's okay it's not your fault." {Y/N} comforts the woman. "But we need to know, what does it look like?" Something clatters to the ground catching the three's attention.

"It's still here." The Doctor says as he stands. {Y/N} gestures to the soldier that was outside to come kneel by the female before moving around the room with the Doctor. A noise sounds from around a corner catching her attention. Looking towards the Doctor he mouthes to her. 'Be careful'.

Looking around the corner {Y/N} spots a pig wearing a space suit, standing on its hind legs. Keeling down she reaches a hand out to reassure the animal that she was no harm. "Hello, I won't hurt you okay. I can help you." The pig squeals in fright before running out of the room.

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