Love And Monsters

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The TARDIS was parked at a warehouse after they got sight of an alien species in the area.

"Doctor! {Y/N}! Look out!" Rose shouts within the warehouse.

"Where's he gone? Have you seen him?" The Doctor asks as he spins around, looking from all angles for the alien.

"There he is!" {Y/N} shouts, pointing down the corridor.

"Stop! No!" Rose shouts.

"Where is he!" The Doctor shouts.

"Watch out!" {Y/N} shouts.

"There! There!" The Doctor shouts as he chases after the creature.


"That's what it did. It went ROAR! And if you think that was the most exciting day of my life, wait till you hear the rest." The blond male, Elton Pope says. "Oh, boy!"

"So, there I was, with that thing going ROAR!"

The alien roars, alerting the Doctor and {Y/N} of its whereabouts.

"Here boy, eat the food. Come on." The Doctor coos as he stands behind the creature with {Y/N}. "Look at the lovely food." He says as he dangles meat before the creature. "Isn't that nice? Yeah, it is!"

"You're not having it as a pet." {Y/N} says firmly, crossing her arms.

"Why not, it's just like a massive human-alienoid dog." He whines.

"He is nothing like a dog. Not in any way, shape or form. So, no." {Y/N} states. As the alien turns towards the blond male {Y/N} looks at him. "You really should get out of here, quickly."

"That's a boy." The Doctor coos as he attracts the alien's attention again with the meat. "Who would like a porkie choppie, then? She said RUN!" The Doctor shouts, noticing the blond male hadn't moved.

As Elton goes to run away, he hears a female's determined yell. Rose runs towards the two Time-Lords while carrying a smoking blue bucket.

The blond throws the contents of the bucket over the alien, some splashing over the Doctor and {Y/N}.

"Oh, come on! You couldn't have aimed a bit better?" {Y/N} asks as she wipes her face.

"Wrong one! You've made it worse!" The Doctor shouts as the alien sizzles from the liquid.

"You said Blue!" Rose shouts.

"We said NOT blue!" The Doctor and {Y/N} shout. The alien groans as it turns towards the blond woman. Rose looks at it a moment before running down the corridor, the alien chasing after her.

"Hold on!" The Doctor shouts as he closes the door.

The Doctor suddenly runs across the corridor, being chased by the alien. "Ahhh!"

{Y/N} suddenly runs from the opposite direction screaming as the Alien chases after her. "Aaagh!"

Both the Doctor and Rose suddenly run from the opposite direction in a different corridor while the alien runs down a different corridor from them. "Aaagh!"

The Doctor and {Y/N} run a different direction from Rose as the alien runs in a completely different corridor from both of them.

As the alien goes to chase after Rose it freezes before running the opposite direction, Rose racing toward it with a steaming red bucket.

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