The End Of The World: Part 1

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(Edited to fit the new storyline, friends to lovers.)

"Okay, Rose Tyler. Where would you like to go?" {Y/N} smiles from where she's stood with the Doctor at the console.


"But how far." The Doctor smiles teasingly.

"One hundred years."

"One hundred years from now it will be the twenty-second century." {Y/N} says as she leans against the console. 

"But that is a bit boring, though. Do you want to go further?" The Doctor presses, making {Y/N} roll her eyes at his cockiness.

"Fine by me." Rose smiles.

"What about ten thousand years into the future? The year 12005, the new Roman Empire." {Y/N} smiles at Rose before looking up at the Doctor.

"You both think you're so impressive." Rose laughs.

"Right then you asked for it. I know exactly where to go. Hold on!" The Doctor smirks as he sets their destination. 


As the TARDIS lands Rose runs to the doors excited. "Where are we? What's out there?"

"Wait! I need to change!" {Y/N} shouts before running down one of the corridors.

"Do you really have to change?" The Doctor shouts while Rose laughs by the door.

"I wore this yesterday!" 

The Doctor rolls his eyes in amusement. "An outfit for every occasion." He mutters.


"You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by eggs, beef, global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible, that maybe you survive. This is the year five slash apple slash twenty-six. Five billion years in your future, and this is the day." The Doctor, {Y/N} and Rose look at the Earth through a viewing window. "Hold on." They all watch as the sun flares and turns red.

"Today seems as though it's the day the Sun expands. So technically, welcome to the end of Earth." {Y/N} says with a soft smile as she looks around the shuttle.


The Doctor, Rose and {Y/N} walk along a corridor. "So, when it says guests, does that mean people?" Rose asks.

"Well in a context, yes. But I am guessing you mean something different." {Y/N} states.

"I mean people. What do you mean?" Rose wonders, causing {Y/N} to smile.

"Aliens of course. I mean do you think people would be in space watching the Earth blow up?" {Y/N} laughs.

"What are they doing on board this spaceship? What's it all for?" Rose questions.

"This place isn't classed as a spaceship. It is more of an observation deck. The great and good are all coming together to watch the end." {Y/N} says as the Doctor uses his sonic on a wall panel.

"Why?" Rose wonders.

"Fun." The Doctor smiles.


"However, the great and good really just means the rich." {Y/N} walks in between the Doctor and Rose.

"But hold on. They did this once on Newsround Extra. The sun expanding that takes hundreds of years." Rose says confused.

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