Rise Of The Cybermen: Part 2

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"Mickey's mum just couldn't cope. His dad hung around for a while, but then he just sort of wandered off. He was brought up by his gran. She was such a great woman. God, she used to slap him!" Rose laughs as the three walk down the busy street. "And then she died. She tripped and fell down the stairs. It's about five years ago now. I was still in school." Rose explains.

"We never knew." The Doctor says softly.

"Well, you never asked."

"You never said."

"That's Mickey. I suppose I...we just take him for granted. Do you think she's still alive, his gran?" Rose asks.

"Could be. Like we said, parallel world, gingerbread house. We need to get out of here as fast as we can." The Doctor says. Suddenly there was a beeping sound, causing everyone in the street to freeze.

"What're they all doing?" Rose asks.

"They've just stopped." {Y/N} says. Looking over the frozen people she notices their pods were flashing. "I think It's the earpieces. Like Bluetooth attachments, but...everyone's connected together."

Rose's phone beeps. "It's on my phone. It's automatic, look. It's downloading." The Doctor and {Y/N} look at Rose's phone. "Is this what they're all getting?" The Doctor puts on his glasses for a better look. "News, international news, sports, weather." Rose says as she cycles through the channels.

"They get it direct. Downloaded right into their heads." The Doctor says.

"TV schedules, lottery numbers."

"Everyone shares the same information." {Y/N} says. "A daily download published by Cybus Industries." Suddenly everyone starts laughing before they continue with whatever they were doing before.

"You lot, you're obsessed. You'd do anything for the latest upgrade." The Doctor says as he goes through Rose's phone. {Y/N} looks at everyone curiously, feeling as though something was off about the earpieces.

"Oi, not my lot. Different world, remember." Rose says.

"It's not so far off your world. This place is only parallel. Oh, look at that. Cybus Industries, owners of just about every company in Britain, including Vitex. Mister Pete Tyler's very well connected. Oh, okay. I give up. Let's go and see him." The Doctor sighs as he tosses Rose her phone back. "Sugar plum, come on. We need to visit someone." The Doctor calls out to her.

{Y/N} snaps from her thoughts and takes the Doctor's extended hand. The three making their way to the Tyler residence.


The three crouch beside a tree as they watch oncoming limos circle the house, dropping off visitors.

"They've got visitors." The Doctor says.

"February the first. Mum's birthday. Even in a parallel universe, she still loves a party." Rose says.

"Well, given Pete Tyler's guest list, I wouldn't mind a look. And there is one guaranteed way of getting inside." The Doctor smiles as he pulls his wallet from his pocket.

"Psychic paper." Rose says excitedly.

"Who do you want to be?" {Y/N} laughs.


Rose, {Y/N} and the Doctor carry trays of nibbles and champagne for the guests scattered through the ground floor. All three now dressed in staff uniforms. 

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