The Impossible Planet Part: 2

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{Y/N} sits, crossed-legged, before the wall with the unidentified scribe with the Doctor. Using a note pad she attempts to jot down anything that's seems semi-identifiable as they attempt to translate the old language.

"Danny, check the temperature in Ood Habitation. It seems to be rising." Zack says over coms.

Rose watches the two for a moment before wandering to the catering Ood. Getting herself a tray of the strange gloop being offered.

"It's no use." {Y/N} sighs. "I can barely even identify the scribe never mind read it." The Doctor rubs his hand over her back comfortingly.

"Well, you can't know everything." He sighs.

{Y/N} furrows her brows before looking at him confused. "What do you mean I can't know everything? You don't know what it is either." She points out.

"Ah, yes...well..." The Doctor trails off, scratching the back of his head in thought. "You haven't eaten yet." He points out. "Go get a tray." He gestures towards the Ood.

"I'm not hungry right now." {Y/N} states as the Doctor pushes her forward.

"Yeah, you are. Off you pop."

{Y/N} smiles at the Doctor lovingly as she wanders towards the serving station. Eying all the food options she grabs a tray and gets a few little bits before sitting with Rose.


The lights flicker, causing everyone to glance up in concern.

"Zach? Have we got a problem?" Ida says through her wrist comm.

"No more than usual. Got the Scarlet System burning up. Might be worth a look."

"You might want to see this. Moment in history." Ida says. The Doctor looks at her bluntly as he steals some food from {Y/N}'s tray while Ida opens the overhead shutters revealing a traveling, red stream of dust moving towards the black hole. "There. On the edge. That red cloud. That used to be the Scarlet System. Home to the Peluchi, a mighty civilisation spanning a billion years, disappearing forever. Their planets and suns consumed. Ladies and gentlemen, we have witnessed its passing." The group look up at the sight before them in awe and sadness. Ida goes to close the shutter when {Y/N} speaks up.

"Could you leave it open? Just for a little bit." {Y/N} asks, the light of the black hole reflecting off her glassy eyes.

The Doctor looks at her softly before looking back at Ida. "We won't go mad, I promise." He says.

"How would you know?" Ida asks, causing the Doctor to quirk his lip in amusement. "Scooti, check the lockdown. Jefferson, sign off the airlock seals for me." Ida instructs, the two leaving along with her.

"Open Door 18."

"I've seen films and things, yeah." Rose says softly, turning to the two. "They say black holes are like gateways to another universe.

"Close Door 18."

"Not that one. It just eats." The Doctor states.

"Long way from home." Rose says softly. The Doctor looks at Rose a moment before pointing to the sky.

"Go that way, turn right, keep going for er, about, er, five hundred years, and you'll reach the Earth." The Doctor explains.

Rose sighs softly as she takes her phone out. "No signal. That's the first time we've gone out of range. Mind you, even if I could. What would I tell her? Can either of you build another TARDIS?" Rose laughs lightly.

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