The Unquiet Dead: Part 1

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(Edited to fit the new storyline, friends to lovers.)

The mortician lights the candles around the viewing room as a family member observes the body of a loved one inside her coffin. 

"Sneed and Company offer their sincerest condolences, sir, in this most trying hour." The mortician says.

"Grandmama had a good innings, Mr. Sneed. She was so full of life, I can't believe she's gone."

"Not gone, Mr. Redpath, sir. Merely sleeping." Mr. Sneed says softly.

"May I have a moment?" Mr. Redpath asks.

"Yes, of course. I shall be in the next, er, room should you require anything." Mr. Sneed makes his exit, allowing the male to say his goodbyes.

As Mr. Redpath takes a moment to compose himself, he fails to notice a blue smoke circle his grandmama's face.

The old woman's eyes suddenly open, still dull and lifeless as she wraps her frail hand around the male's neck, causing him to choke.

Mr. Sneed rushes into the room to see what was happening after he hears a vase smash. "Oh, no! No." Mr. Sneed says as he removes the woman's hand from the male's neck. 

The male's neck snaps, causing him to drop to the floor. Mr. Sneed fights against the old woman as he places the top of the coffin over the casket.  

"Gwyneth!" He yells. "Get down here now! We've got another one!"


{Y/N} holds onto the console, looking at the monitor with squinted eyes as the TARDIS jerks about.

"Hold that one down!" The Doctor says to Rose.

"I'm holding this one down!" Rose shouts while clinging to the console with a death grip.

"Well, hold them both down!" The Doctor sasses.

"It's not going to work." Rose says as she leans over the console to hold the control down.

"Oi! We promised you a time machine that's what you're getting." The Doctor says. 

"However, with the way things are going we will have crashed before then!" {Y/N} states as she attempts to stay upright. 

"Are you judging my driving?" The Doctor scoffs in disbelief.

"Yes, I am. If you haven't noticed we seem to be having some turbulence and if we crash into an asteroid belt, again, I'm not hanging out the TARDIS to fix the damage. AGAIN!" {Y/N} shouts.

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." The Doctor states smugly. 

"Well someone failed their flight test! So shut it!" The Doctor looks at her in offense while Rose tries to hold in her laughter. {Y/N} sighs, relaxing her tight muscles as she looks away from the monitor to Rose. "Okay, you have seen the future. Let's show you the past." {Y/N} says as she reads the monitor. "1860. Is that okay?"

"What happened in 1860?" Rose wonders.

"I don't know, let's find out." The Doctor smiles. "Ok, hold on you two, here we go!" A few moments later the TARDIS lands abruptly, sending {Y/N}, Rose and the Doctor to the floor. {Y/N} sits up, rubbing the sore spot from where her head hit the floor. 

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