The Impossible Planet Part: 1

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At the end of the chapter I need all your help please, Thank you.


The TARDIS materialises in a storage closet, making distressed, wheezing sounds as she lands. {Y/N} opens the TARDIS door, looking over the ship's flickering lights in concern.

"What did you do to her?" {Y/N} asks, as the Doctor steps out behind her.

"I haven't done anything. I don't know what's wrong with her." The Doctor admits as Rose closes the ship door on her way out. "She's sort of queasy. Indigestion, like she didn't want to land." The Doctor says as he stokes over the door.

"Oh, if you think there's going to be trouble, we could always get back inside and go somewhere else." Rose says with a tight-lipped smile. The three stand in silence for a moment before bursting out laughing.

{Y/N} looks around the small space as they laugh. "I think the Doctor's landed inside a cupboard, again. Here we go." {Y/N} says as she walks to the door.

"Open Door 15."

"Some sort of base. Moon base, sea base, space base. They build these things out of kits." The Doctor says as he and {Y/N} stroll down a corridor. Harsh winds whistling around the base.

"Close Door 15."

"Glad we're indoors. Sounds like a storm out there." Rose says as she looks around the corridor.

"Open Door 16."

"Human design. You've got a thing about kits. This place was put together like a flat-pack wardrobe, only bigger. And easier." The Doctor says as the three walk down another corridor.

"Close Door 16."

"Why are there so many corridors that literally take you to more corridors." {Y/N} says as they walk towards yet another door.

"Open Door 17."

"Oh, it's a sanctuary base. That explains the doors." {Y/N} says as she walks to the centre of the room, looking around.

"Close Door 17."

"This is deep Space exploration. We've gone way out." The Doctor says, stopping a moment. "And listen to that? Underneath, someone's drilling." The Doctor smiles and wraps an arm around {Y/N}.

"Welcome to hell." Rose says.

"Oh, it's not that bad." The Doctor sighs.

"No." Rose laughs. "Over there." Rose points towards a wall where the words are painted in big block letters along with some sort of scripted alien language underneath it.

"Hold on, what does that say?" The Doctor says as he crouches before the text. "That's weird, it won't translate." He says confused.

"But I thought the TARDIS translated everything, writing as well. We should see English." Rose points out. {Y/N} squints as she looks at the words, trying to see if she could somehow make it out.

"Exactly." The Doctor states.

"If it's not translating, then it means this writing is old." {Y/N} points out.

"Very old. Impossibly old." The Doctor squints in confusion. "Gorgeous? Anything?"

"It looks familiar, definitely studied it once. It's old, it's past me." {Y/N} shrugs, biting her lip as she drums her fingers on her arm in thought.

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