𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐢

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my eyes open to see a tattooed arm stretched across my waist, holding me tight against their bare chest. I feel his face buried into my shoulder, unruly hair tickling my neck. Part of me is confused on how we even got into this position. The other part of me is still trying to figure out how to stay awake without my coffee.

He shifts slightly behind me, his head peeking up over my shoulder to see if I'm awake. I smile sleepily at him, trying to get a few more minutes of rest in. Unfortunately for me, Bryce had other plans.

He storms over to our bed and jumps on top of both of us, effectively ending our cuddle session. Addison gets under the covers next to me as Bryce wiggles his way between me and Jaden.

"Ahh my favorite cuddle buddy," Jaden wraps his arms around Bryce. I lift my head to shoot him a quick glare, and he laughs it off. "Sorry Cora, but dicks before chicks," he says.

"I'll have you know that my dick is ten times better than whatever Bryce has on him," I say in mock dismay.

"Yeah, I bet Jaden will figure that out in the next few days," Bryce replies.

Addison pokes her head out from under the covers, "A few days? Leave them alone in here for a few hours and they'll be-"

"What the fuck is going on here?" a new voice says. A camera clicks as snickers fill the room, making us all sit up to see the intruders. The new arrivals are Avani, Kio, Anthony, and Griffin, who all stand there, grinning and holding up cameras.

The next thing we know, all eight of us are on the bed, a giggling mess as we struggle to make room for ourselves. Somehow, Jaden, Griffin, and Bryce end up on the floor, leaving me, the girls, Kio, and Anthony under the blanket. I stick my tongue out at Jaden, who is seemingly irritated by the sudden movement. He sees me and grins before grabbing my arm and pulling me down.

I land on top of him, making both of us groan (A/N: Groan, NOT moan. Get outta here you dirty minded gremlins).

Chase walks in to see Bryce and Griffin wrestling on the floor, the girls, Anthony, and Kio resting peacefully on the bed, and me laying on top of Jaden next to the wall. He eyes our position, "what the fuck? It's not even been an entire day. Don't tell me you two are already a thing"

"Nah, Jaden's just a dumbass and doesn't know how gravity and Newton's laws work."
"An object in motion stays in motion," he mumbles, trying to blow his hair away from his face.

"Too bad you didn't remember that a minute ago," I reply as I move my hand to his forehead to push his hair up.

Chase just smirks and shakes his head as we banter, sending knowing glances to the others. "you two would be cute together"

"only cause my cuteness would make up for Jaden's ugly ass"

Jaden snorts, shaking his head. "you weren't calling it ugly when you were checking me out yesterday."

we all hang out for a few more minutes before we get a text from Trent telling us to grab our swimwear and take the bus to a private indoor pool. Addison goes with the others to their rooms, and Jaden and Bryce go to the bathroom to film their famous bathroom TikToks. I sit on the ground for a bit longer, scrolling through TikTok.

A few minutes later, Jaden's bathroom video pops up on my For You page. he's dancing with a towel wrapped around his waist. I snort as his towel almost drops, but he grabs it and runs off camera.

𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎; 𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now