𝐥. 𝐬𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥

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my eyes slowly start to open, but quickly shut in the efforts to lessen the pounding headache. "crap," I groan as I fail in my efforts to sit up. 

when my back is safely supported by the headboard, I attempt the great feat of opening my eyes again. They finally comply with my demands, showing me the dark room I'm currently in. As I stretch, a realization suddenly hits me-

im naked

"crap," I say aloud for the second time, my brain still processing the fact that there's not an inch of clothing on me. "crap crap crap"

somehow I manage to tumble out of bed, staring in horror at myself in the mirror. dark purple marks dot across my skin, the blemishes contrasting with my paleness.

jaden never leaves hickeys.

"what the fuck happened?" I hear a groan causing me to look at the person sitting on the bed, who is staring back at me with wide eyes.

his name leaves my mouth in a gasp of horror.



Reality: Cora


"YOURE NOT GRIFFIN!" I yell, partially in relief and partially in confusion. Dixie rears back in surprise, shocked by my statement.

"were you expecting Griffin?" she whispers.

"no. no, god no. it was just a dream. wait I take that back; it was a nightmare," we both sigh in relief before looking at each other and laughing. "good to see you again dix"

"yeah, yeah. Anyways I came by to say sorry about all the shit Griffin pulled. I never thought he'd stoop that low! God to think I dated him for so long. What did I even see in him?" she questions, pacing around the room. "he's not funny, he's terrible at commitment- both his incomplete nursing degree and his previous ex girlfriend prove that, and he has a fucking toe fetish."

"wait he cheated on his other ex girlfriend?" I ask, stifling my laughter as Dixie trips over her own foot and face plants into a wall. "you good?"

"just peachy. but yeah, and she's WAY out of his league. Scratch that, she's way out of my league too-" Dixie stops abruptly when she realizes I'm now openly staring at her.

"are you bi?" I ask, genuinely curious because I've always been under the impression that Dixie is straight.

"y-yeah?" she says nervously, moving towards the door as she fidgets with her sleeves.

"well tell me more about her," I urge, trying to ignore how relieved Dixie looks when I say that. Her reaction says a lot about society. The fact that she was scared to come out to me, one of her best friends who supports the LGBTQ community- it's incredibly upsetting to see.

𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎; 𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now