𝐥𝐢𝐢. 𝐢 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞

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hey everyone! I'm writing another Jaden fanfic because that's what the majority wanted. The cast of 'hurts like hell; jaden hossler' is up now, and the first chapter will be posted hopefully today. So go save it to your libraries, vote, just do what you gotta do :))


"so are y'all dating yet or what?" Chris asks impatiently.

"Evans chill out a little. Social media ruined our relationship the first time around, I'd rather take my time," I laugh at the loud groan on the other side of the line.

"fine, but do me a favor and date before I die," he pleads. I hear laughter and several different voices on the other end until someone else takes the phone.

"Hey Cora," RDJ says. "I thought you might like to know that he's our favorite."


"favorite out of all the boys you've dated. did you know that before he took you out to the ocean thingy last month, he drove out to Marvel headquarters to ask us for our blessing?"

I pause at his words, digesting this new information. He couldn't ask my biological parents so he talked to... my heart swells as I realize the lengths he went to to make sure everything was perfect.

"no, I didn't," I say quietly. "thank you Junior"

"love you, kid. stay safe and date soon"


"Jaden I swear to god-"

"I'm sorry! It's just that you're so-"

"if you say pretty one more time-"


"jae!" I attempt to frown at him but it fails horribly when I take in the informality of this situation. I've always stayed professional in the studio, but he's making it incredibly hard when he's standing in front of me shirtless and flirting with me every two seconds.


It only takes one look at his grinning face to know he's anything but sorry. "no you're not"

"yeah, I'm not. wanna start again?"

rolling my eyes in mock disappointment, I takes my place at the controls yet again.

"how do we rewrite the stars, say you were made to be mine? nothing can keep us apart, cause you are the one I was meant to find," I sing, glaring at Jaden so he won't miss his cue this time.

"It's up to you... and it's up to me. No one can say what we get to be. So why don't we rewrite the stars? Changing the world to be ours, tonight," we chorus, Jaden beaming happily at me the entire time. His smile is infectious, and pretty soon we're both singing with the dumbest grins on our faces.

finally we both move our mics away, staring at each other in disbelief. "Did we actually just get through the entire section?"

"damn right, we did," he says, a triumphant smile on his face. "now you see this," he waves his hand between us. "this is exactly why I lov-"

"you WHAT?"

we both stare at each other, him probably regretting ever being able to talk, and me wonder what the fuck is wrong with me. he probably wasn't even gonna say what I thought he was gonna say, but I had to go and interrupt him.


"no no, feel free to continue"

"... I love you Coco"



a wise person once said "she deserves the world, and you can't give it to her. so why punish her for your inability to treat her right?"

and that same wise person is the girl he's in love with. the girl Jaden is finally ready to love unconditionally, and as she once said, give her the world.

The celebrity and the tiktoker. The girl 'out of his league' and the boy too broken to try. The person who spent her entire life surrounded by the weight of broken promises and the boy who wants nothing more but to piece them both back together.

sounds like a fairytale, doesn't it? I guess in a way it is. But unlike any other, these two have a chance to rewrite the ending to their story.

and that's exactly what they do.


the blonde turns to look at the boy who broke her heart, the boy who is trying to piece it together again. "mhm?"

he blinks a few times, seemingly unsure of what to say next. "i... please... i-"

"spit it out, child"

"... don't leave me"

"jae..." she says softly, staring in longing at her soulmate as he looks back at her with pleading eyes.

"promise me you won't leave me"


"promise me"

".... i promise"


The End

𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎; 𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now