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Cora sighs as yet another sway boy darts up the stairs to join Jaden in the bathroom. So far four of them have already gone, leaving Kio, Anthony, and Blake sitting with her at the table.

"what are they doing?" she finally asks, fingers drumming impatiently as she waits for her boyfriend to walk down the stairs.

"I have no cl-"


"oop gotta zayn"

"Kio!" she groans as he flashes a peace sign before bolting up the stairs. After another ten minutes, she's finally had enough.

"Jaden you better have a good reason for making me talk to Blake for an entire thirty minutes-" she complains before abruptly shutting up. "Jae?"

all six sway heads turn towards her, eyes blinking in unison. A sheepish smile spreads across Jaden's face as he waves at her. "hey coco"

"what's going on?" she asks warily, staring at the stick Bryce is shoving down the sink drain. "what did you lose?"

"uh so..." he blinks a few times, Cora already knowing his next words are gonna be a lie. "I uh dropped your earrings down the drain"

"and what exactly were you doing with my earrings?" she asks calmly, waiting for him to mess his story up.

"I uh... I was playing dress up!"

"dress up. with my very expensive earrings."

"hey, boys have to feel pretty too," he pouts, eliciting a snort from his girlfriend.

"wanna tell me what's really going o-"


Jaden watches helplessly as a small object flies out of the drain, clattering onto the floor with a sharp ringing sound. Instantly four boys are diving on the floor to get it, all of them managing to miss the tiny piece.

"uh so Cora did you hear about the Grammy you were nominated for?" he asks, desperate to draw her focus away. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't work-

because her attention is focused solely on the diamond ring on the floor.

"well, I guess the secret's out," he winces.

"damn right it is," she says in awe, looking between her boyfriend, the ring, and the excited boys clapping their hands happily.

"so... wanna marry me or something?"


Jaden sits on the leather sofa, pouting at the door on the other side of the room. His fingers fidget slightly, twisting the diamond band sitting on his finger. They run across the initials engraved as he waits for his wife to walk through the door.

𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎; 𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now