𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐢. 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬!

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one month.

one month of me dating the most talented, hardworking, breathtaking girl I've ever met. There's not a day that goes by where I'm not grateful for her role in my life. She could have literally anyone she wants.

but she wants me.

and I need her.

which is why I'm reluctant to consider Josh's idea

five minutes earlier:

"yo momma so fat, when I put a photo of her on my wall, it fell down"

"why the fuck would you have a photo of my mom on the wall?"

"well it's not on the wall anymore"

Anthony smirks at Kio, who seems incredibly close to losing his shit. Josh had dragged him out of his room while he was playing some video game, and he's been sulking around us for the past ten minutes. Being the quiet little asshole he is, Anthony decided to go ahead and fuel the flame, and started a series of yo mama jokes. "I hope your taco burns in hell," Kio says darkly, glaring at the floppy haired boy. Instantly, the entire mood of the room changes.

"dude, never insult the food!"
"what did my taco do to you?"
"how can you say that to such a magnificent creation?"

"okay, we need to focus. I called you down here to discuss an idea management floated out to me a few days ago," Josh plops down on Bryce's lap, who lets out an exaggerated moan. Shooting an odd look at him, the taller boy jumps off and runs over to the other couch.

"hurry up, I think my insta live is still running."

"yo mama so fat, your live does more running than her!"

"Ant I swear to god-"

"so how would you all feel about a road trip?"

present time:

Three of my boys instantly shot down the idea. Kio freaked out at the thought of social interaction, Griffin started rambling about how he'd planned a helicopter ride for him and Dixie (which Bryce interpreted in a very sexual way), and Ant started screeching about hosting a funeral for his taco.

which Kio had conveniently chucked off our balcony.

As much as I don't want to leave Cora right now, I also don't want to miss out on a chance to make memories with my brothers. In the end, we decided that it would just be me, Josh, Bryce, and Blake (a potential new Sway member).

It's only for a few weeks anways, so there's not much room for fucking everything up, right?

Cora's POV:

"Quinnie, make a tiktok with us!"
"I don't appreciate you two coming here just to use me for views," I roll my eyes at the two boys standing in front of my door.

"I like them views," Ry wiggles his eyebrows and winks simultaneously.

"you do?" Nick jumps in.
"you're my best source for views"

the two of them dissolve into giggles as I stare them down, trying to hide my smile. I start to close the door only to be stopped by Ryland's foot. "Wait, don't go! We're uh... what are we doing, Nick?"

"selling Girl Scout cookies?" he offers.

Sighing, I open the door and walk back in, now trailed by the two 'Girl Scouts'. I make my way to the kitchen to grab a few snacks. After a few seconds, I realize that they're no longer following me. After checking the first floor, I conclude that either they've flushed themselves down the toilet or went to claim their own rooms.

"Nick? Ry?"

my call is met with high pitched giggling from upstairs. Unsurprisingly, I find them in the second largest bedroom, bouncing around on the bed. "Are you two done jumping on Madison's bed?"


"does this look like hell to you?"

"I mean you're here, so yeah I guess," Ryland smirks.

"I meant Madison Beer, she's staying over for a few days. We're collabing on some music"
"cool, wanna give her my number?"


TIKTOKROOM: looks like some members from Sway are heading on a road trip!

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TIKTOKROOM: looks like some members from Sway are heading on a road trip!


view all 153 replies

BRYCEHALL: lmao jaden looks high
JADENHOSSLER: I'm 2 months sober, stfu

@user92: how much do y'all wanna bet they're gonna fuck around and get arrested or sum?
view all 164 replies

FAN: the veins in Jaden's neck tho😳
DADDYHOSSLER: ✨you saw nothing✨
JXDN: jaden rn: ➖👄➖


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