𝐱𝐢𝐯. 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐰𝐞...?

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I wake up in the morning to a pounding headache. Trying to escape back into the dream world, I roll over to a more comfortable position.

"why is the hippo is on top of me again?" I hear a whine from below me. Instantly I'm on the ground, freaking out. My shirt and pants are thrown across the room alongside a dress.

crap, crap, crap

I run over to the trash can and check for a condom.

There's nothing there.

shit, shit, shit

"Jae?" Cora's head peeks out from under the covers, concern etched across her face.


"Cora... don't hate me... but I think we had sex," her eyes widen slightly, but I'm not done yet. "...unprotected sex"

I cringe slightly, awaiting her reaction. God, this could ruin everything for her. I risk a glance at her face, afraid to see how furious she must be.

To my surprise, she's giggling, her hands making efforts to muffle the laughter. My eyebrows furrow, unsure of why she's laughing in such a serious situation.

Maybe she has that thing where people laugh when they're upset? Like Kio, who couldn't stop giggling after his favorite fish died. Or like Josh, who laughed hysterically while having a mental breakdown over his garlic knot situation.

Her next action takes me completely by surprise. She flings off the covers, and I instantly cover my eyes. Is she still drunk?

Her laughter grows louder at my actions. "Oh my god Jae, just look"
Why would she want me to-


She's fully clothed.
"Did you really think I'd take advantage of you like that?" she chuckles.
"So we didn't fuck?" this was only adding to my headache.

"Nope. Though it was incredibly entertaining watching your intoxicated ass try to come up with an entire essay to convince me"
"I couldn't have been that bad"

"you wanted to strip in my car" she says, smirking.

"good thing you stopped me then. I only do that for my premium customers."

She snorts at my words before tossing me some Advil and walking into the bathroom. "Shut up, you were so horny that you probably would've ended up paying me to let you strip."


He rolls his eyes before gently shoving me out of the bathroom and slamming the door. "The girls told me you're free tonight. I'm taking you out at nine, k? Dress casual"

"After the stunt you pulled last night, I'm not sure if I still want to go on that date."
The door is instantly pulled open, a wide eyed Jaden staring at me. He relaxes when he sees the smirk on my face and realizes I'm joking. "You scared the crap out of me Quinn"

"That's my job," I smile cheerfully at him before heading back to my room. I pick out a simple outfit for the day, knowing that Avani and Cynthia would probably already have my look for the date planned out.

time skip to 8pm

a little update? I was right.

𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎; 𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now