𝐱. 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫?

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Just as our lips are about to brush up against each other, we both pull away and yell, "SIKE!"
Chase groans in frustration as he stops recording.

"you really think I'm gonna kiss someone I've known for a week?"
"to be fair, we've already kissed," Jaden says.
"as a dare. Two completely different things and you know it."

"Cora, stop using time as an excuse. We all know you want to shove your tongue down-"
Nessa slaps her hand over Josh's mouth, successfully muffling the rest of his sentence. She smiles sweetly at us and continues sipping her coffee.

Speaking of coffee-

I look over to see Jaden stick his tongue in my cup and slurp up the beverage. (A/N: I was thinking about the hot tub confessions video where he sticks his tongue in the water lmao)

After shooting him a quick glare, I grab his coffee and take a large sip. His eyes widen and he starts chugging my coffee, not wanting to be outdone. The next ten seconds were filled with slurps and concerned looks from passerby as Jaden and I attempted to finish off each other's drinks. At some point, our elbows collided, spilling coffee all over our clothes. We gape at each other for a minute before breaking out into laughter.

"HA BITCHHH. That's what you get for competing with the master," he says.
"Jaden I think you're forgetting the fact that I'm wearing your clothes right now." His mouth makes an O shape as he realizes that his clothes were the only ones stained. I shake my head, still laughing at our stupidity.

Our friends glance at each other knowingly before changing the topic.

"So what are the plans for today?" Anthony asks, finishing off Chase's croissant. Avani replies while brushing off a few crumbs from his mouth, "He mentioned something about another pool day. Probably wants us to see the wonders his bonding week has worked on us or something."

"Oh, like a before and after?"
"Yeah I guess."

Josh rests his chin on top of Nessa's head.
"Couple goals," I mutter quietly.
"Nah, we're better," Jaden whispers back. I didn't think he could hear me but oh well. He's not exactly wrong either.

We all head up to get changed, especially since Jaden and I were covered in dark stains.

time skip to the pool

the atmosphere is so unlike the first day we were all forced into the pool room together. Last time it was awkward and tense before we started the truth or dare game. Now, everyone is just chilling around and hanging out with each other.

we were all simply relaxing when Bryce stands on top of a chair and yells, "WE SHOULD PLAY ROOSTER!"

Everyone exchanges confused glances with each other before looking back up at him.
"Do none of you know what Rooster is? God, y'all have to be living under a rock. It's that game where you sit on each other's shoulders and try to push your opponent off-"

The room is filled with hysterical laughs as we realize what he's talking about.
"Did you by any chance... mean to say... chicken?" Cynthia wheezes, trying to regain control of her breathing. A bewildered expression crosses over his features before he realizes his mistake.

"You heard nothing," he says, glaring at Nick's camera.

Eventually we all managed to calm ourselves and sort out a few teams. Most of the people opt out of playing but there are still a few teens willing to play, me included.
"Alright everyone, grab a partner!" Bryce yells, already sitting on Griffin's shoulders. Olivia jumps on Kio, and they start the game. Bryce somehow manages to convince Olivia her bikini strap was undone, distracting her momentarily so he can shove her off.

𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎; 𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now