Chapter 8: 162 Candles

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After a series of questions and telling Stefan to stay away from her, Elena is now sitting on the couch with a solemn look on her pretty face. She keeps thinking about Stefan and the mortal combat girl Jeremy kept going on and on about how cool her costume was.

She was a vampire hunter and she had gotten Elena's attention. Stefan had talked about her a while that night, but not in a way to make Elena jealous. She wishes she knew who Ryan S. is under that mask. But that's just Elena hopelessly dreaming.

Jenna comes into the room and she sits on the couch with Elena. Jeremy is in the kitchen, working on some homework.

"You're wallowing," Jenna says to her niece.

Elena glances over at the ginger beside her. "So are you."

"My wallow is legitimate," Jenna claims. "I was dumped."

"Yeah," Elena sighs. "Well, Logan's a jerk."

"You didn't get a brush-off email swaying: I'm leavin town. See ya," Jenna says. 

"Wanna keep it down over there?" Jeremy asks from the kitchen.

"Why?" Jenna asks as she turns her body to look at her nephew. "What are you doing?"

"Homework," Jeremy replies.

"Since when do you do homework?" Elena asks.

"I gotta finish this," Jeremy says. "I'm way behind and I have a quiz tomorrow."

Elena and Jenna look at each other, both seem surprised.

"What do you think?" Elena asks. "Alien?"

"Some sort of of replicant?"

"He can hear you," an unamused Jeremy points out..

Ryan flips through the channels on the tv while Alaric snoozes away some more, and she is drinking some bourbon from a glass. Ryan finally decides on the history clannel and she takes a swig of her drink. She sighs.

Ryan can't get Elena off her head, and how identical they are. Are they related? Sisters? Does Ryan have a sister Isobel never mentioned to her or Alaric? Ryan can only trust that if Alaric knew that he'd have already told her if she had an identical twin sister in Mystic Falls that Isobel gave up.

If Isobel did give birth to Elena, too, and gave her up instead of keeping the twins together, this infuriates Ryan just as much more than she already is at Isobel for keeping her and neglecting her. The fact Ryan might have a twin sister and they were separated at birth hurts Ryan. It breaks her heart because all she has ever wanted since she was five years old was a sister.

Ryan sighs and she refocuses in the show about the Vikings as she TRIES to get Elena and the fact she possibly is her sister off her head.

Elena drives to the boarding house after learning that Bonnie really is a witch, she wanted... needed to see Stefan, to talk. Elena parks near the door and she gets out, and knocks on the door.

"It's open!" A girl's voice calls. "Come on in."

Elena enters the house warily and she finds a stunning blonde wearing a towel, her hair wet. The blonde's eyes widen and her mouth parts slightly.

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