Chapter 27: Kill or Be Killed

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Ryan gets dressed in some black leggings a black tank top tunic, and some black ankle boot heels

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Ryan gets dressed in some black leggings a black tank top tunic, and some black ankle boot heels. She puts her vervain necklace on and she sprays some perfume before applying some red lipstick and going downstairs.

"Damon, we good to go?" Ryan asks.

Ryan and Damon are supposed to be riding together to this historical society consulted picnic thing. Ryan and Caroline signed up, and Care signed her mother up and Caroline texted Ryan while she was getting dressed, saying Liz is actually taking the day off.

"Yeah," Damon replies. "You look cute."

"I know."

"This is all part of the historical society, continuing efforts to give back to the community," Mrs. Lockwood says to the volunteers. "Thanks to the generous donation of the Fell family, we are now standing on the sight of our newest public park. Thank you to everyone who has shown up today to lend a helping hand. Thanks."

"Mrs. Lockwood, where would you like me?" Ryan asks.

"Can you make stuff on the grill?" Carol asks. "I've heard that you can cook."

Ryan nods. "I can do that. Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood."

Ryan walks away from her and she spots Stefan charting with Mason at Mason's bronco. She shrugs it off and she heads to the grill Mrs. Lockwood had pointed out. Ryan's being a good cook has become word to the higher ups for these parties / gatherings.

"Hey, Ryan," Mason greets as he walks over to her. "Can I get a burger?"

Ryan smiles and she nods. "You certainly can, Mason."

Ryan places the meat between the buns before handing it over. "Condiments are on the table over there."

"Thank you," Mason says in her ear before he walks away.

Ryan rolls her eyes and Elena walks up to her. "Hey, Elena."

"Hey, Ryan," Elena greets.

"You taking a break, needing food?" Ryan asks. "There are hotdogs and hamburgers here."

"I'll take a hotdog," Elena says. "I heard journals and Mason are chummy."

"Eh, we made out once," Ryan shrugs as she hands Elena her food. "I think he liked it."

Elena grins. "I can agree with that... anyways, thanks for the food, I'll see you later."

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