Chapter 32: The Sacrifice

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Ryan and Elena wound up spending the night together at Elena's. Ryan couldn't be in the boarding house with Damon and Rose anymore. They're both sleeping in Elena's bed when they're both woken up by a noise from somewhere in the house.

They look at each other before laying back down. They lay their and look at each other until they hear a door slamming and they both jolt out of Elena's bed and they walk out of Elena's room slowly, and onto the landing. They go to read Jeremy's door and hear a noise behind them. They turn and find Alaric in only his boxers. Alaric gasps as he uses the ice cream to cover himself.

"Ah! My eyes!" Ryan shrieks as covers her hands wirh her eyes. "Oh god, oh god, ew!"

"Oh, girls," Alaric clears his throat.

"Oh god!" Ryan groans.

"We heard something," Elena says.

"That was us," Jenna says as she walks up the stairs in Alaric's shirt. "Ryan, are you okay!"

"Ew!" Ryan says. "I saw my dad in his..."

Jenna blushes. "Oh god."

"We didn't think anyone else was up," Alaric says.

"But here you two are," Jenna says as Ryan keeps her eyes squeezed closed.

"We were just..." he pauses and he holds out the bowl of ice cream. "Chunky monkey? Well..." Alaric chuckles. "I'm naked and my daughter is freaking out, I think I might have scarred her enough for her life time. So, I'm gonna go."

"I'm gonna go and scream into a pillow," Ryan says and goes back to Elena's room.

"Where's my brush?" Elena asks herself, she and Ryan thought it'd be funny to dress alike today; same clothes, same hair style, and they're not wearing their necklaces

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"Where's my brush?" Elena asks herself, she and Ryan thought it'd be funny to dress alike today; same clothes, same hair style, and they're not wearing their necklaces. Ryan and Elena are leasing them here.

Ryan comes in from Elena's room. "Use mine."

Elena brushes her straight heir and she and Ryan look at each other, just like looking in a mirror. Elena smirks as someone knocks on the door. Elena runs to her room and puts both vervain necklaces in her jewelry box before she catches up with Ryan, who is half way down the stairs. In converse, Ryan walks incredibly silent.

Ryan opens the door and the brothers stare at them, and at each other, and back at the twins.

"Hey," Stefan greets hesitantly. "Uh, can we talk?"

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