Chapter 57: Bringing out the Dead

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Elijah wipes Daniel's blood from his hands as Ryan watches in shock. She hadn't expected this. It must've been his coffin she pushed in because it was so light. Ryan watches as Elijah looks at Klaus. She isn't sure if she should run home and hide, or sit and watch. But it's like a car crash, she can't look away.

"You look surprised to see me," Elijah says to his brother. "So it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest?"

"You look like you could do for a drink," Klaus claims. "And we have a lot to discuss, shall we?"

Elijah drops the handkerchief bear Ryan and he jumps at Klaus. He hits him a couple times before sending him through a glass door.

"Easy!" Klaus says as he gets into a striking position. "I just finished renovating!"

Klaus rushes at Elijah and they crash into a table, breaking it. Ryan quickly jumps up and moved out of the way, careful not to get in the way of the feuding brothers.

"You know you have every right to be mad at me," Klaus says as he paces the doorway as Elijah lays on the broken table for a moment. "But I kept my word. I reunited our family."

"Oh, Klaus," Ryan grumbles.

Elijah rushes at him and punches him a few good times and they go through the door into the room where Ryan and Daniel had put the other coffins. Ryan rushes after them and Klaus opens one of the coffins and pulls the dagger out and he points it threateningly at Elijah.

"Don't make me do this to you again Elijah!" Klaus hell's.

Elijah looks up at him like Ryan would. "Come on. Use it. I dare you. You'll have Kol to deal with."

"Mmm, the calmness," Ryan purrs. "I have missed you, Elijah."

Klaus lowers the dagger. "Mikael is dead."

"What did you say?" Elijah asks.

Klaus leans away from Elijah. "I killed him with his Owen weapon, which is now in our little psycho's possession. He's gone, Elijah. Forever."

"Then why do our family remain in these coffins?" Elijah asks, not bothered by his father's weapon being in Ryan's possession - it's safe there and so is his family. "Finn for nine hundred years, Kol for over a century."

"Because of Stefan Salvatore," Klaus replies. "He holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them. There are things that you do not know about our past, Elijah. Our mother's death. Things I never wanted you to know but I'm ready to tell you now. I only ask you that you remember the path of loyalty you once swore me." He walks over to a small table and he dips the dagger into an urn.

"What are you going?" Elijah asks.

Klaus sticks the dagger back into Kol. "Always and forever. I need you to stand by my side, be my brother. Help me destroy Stefan and I promise you our family our family will be who,e again."

He closes the coffin.

"Butterfly," Elijah turns to her. "Where is the weapon?"

"My house that's in my name where no vampire can enter," Ryan smirks. "And humans can't get into my armory, it's locked up right."

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