Chapter 45: Dear Ryan

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(FILLER CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!)

Dear Ryan,
                           Oh, god. I thought I knew what I'd write when I started this but now that I have, I don't know how to write this. When you read this, I'll be gone. Even though Elena didn't see me as a dad like you did, I am going to save her from becoming a vampire.
                              I found a spell for Bonnie to perform to link my life force to Elena's so that when she woke, I'd die. I knew the risks of missing the rest of your birthdays, your marriage to Damon, you defeating Klaus, and you being... well, you.
                                 But it was a risk I was willing to take and Ryan, even though you're a little hard around the edges, know you'd do the same thing for your sister. You'd take your own life for hers or anyone else that you love. I know.
                             You didn't have to give me a chance to be your father when you found out how hard I fought to get you in my custody when Alaric adopted you. I wish I had kept on going and you would have been with me. Alaric almost didn't sign the adoption papers but right before he refused, I told him I just couldn't take you away from him.
                                And now look at how much better off you are now that Ric raised you? Would you be able to get away with half the things you do? Would you been known in the vampire world as Vampire Killer? Would people fear you but love you if I raised you? Would you be in love with a vampire?
                                   I'll be honest, I hated that you were in love with Damon Salvatore when I first realized. I saw it before anyone else, the love was in your eyes. I was furious because I didn't raise you, I'd have raised you not to love them but then I saw that he loves you, too. And how happy he made you. Don't make that man wait forever, he will eventually choose someone else and I don't want to see you hurt.
                                  And yes, I will see you. Since I am human, I won't be going to the other side but I'll be in heaven. Watching over you and Elena. And I know you're probably reading this at my grave.
                           I wanted to say goodbye before my death unlike your mom did. I love you so much, Ryanelle Marie Gilbert-Saltzman, forever and ever.

Your father,
John Gilbert


Don't kill Damon in a rage fit! Just a reminder.

Ryan chuckles tearfully as she reads the P.S. and she hears the leaves crunch. She looks up and sees Stefan.

"Stefan?" Ryan mumbles. "Ami hallucinating because of the weed?"

"No," Stefan replies as he kneels in front of her. "I had to get Damon off our tail. Klaus said I could see you." He looks at the paper with wet spots from Ryan's tears. "You read John's letter."

Ryan nods and she sobs.

"Hey, hey," Stefan coos as he moves beside her and wraps an arm around her. "Shh, shh, it's okay."

"He... he said goodbye," Ryan whispwrs. "He..." Ryan just breaks down, crying into Stefan's shoulder.

"I have to go back soon, or Klaus will worry," Stefan says. "But I can stay for a moment."

Ryan nods and she snuggles into Stefan's side, he lays his head back agaisnt John's rock as Ryan cries.

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