CHAPTER 28 (The Plan)

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As the lunch bell rang, I finally let out a sigh of relief and took my prada bag from the chair and flew out of the classroom. I don't even have the time to glance at Sky who has already plastered a smug look on his face.

I sauntered to the cafeteria where my cliques are and slammed my bag on the table.

"Hey," Sandy frowned. "If that was my bag, I sure as hell put a pillow under it to avoid it from having tiny scratches."

"What's with that face, France?" Alexa said while stabbing her spaghetti with the fork.

"Come on, Francine. This is not the right time to put that face on in front of your hunky admirers." Diane chimed in.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "I don't care about them though."

"Uhm, okay?" Sandy chuckled. "So what happened to you?"

"Sky." I rolled my eyes, I felt nauseous just by mentioning his name.

"Speaking about Sky!" Diane squealed like she just won a brand new car. "Sky joined the team for basketball and guess what?"

I really don't wanna talk about him but the way Diane gush about it, it seems interesting.

"What?" We asked in unison.

"He just did very well, I mean, who could shoot a ball without even looking at the basketball ring? A lot of people are in the gymnasium, he was impressive! And girls are ogling him, he's got a sexy bod..." I glared at her and she said, "Nevermind."

"I think we have another hot jock in our school." Alexa smirked and took a forkful of spaghetti.

"You wish." I rolled my eyes. "He's not even hot."

"What do you mean not hot? Girl, he's apparently an angel disguised as a human. Perfect human if I say so myself." Sandy said, completely disagreeing. "If I don't have a boyfriend, I'd be having a crush on him." She chuckled.

I frowned in disgust. Really? My friends are captured by his charms, of all people. Is he that attractive? He's not! He's the eviliest person I know. The word 'eviliest' is a new word added on my vocabulary because of him.

Of all places and schools in the city, he chose the places where I am and it completely disgusts me.

He just moved in to our residence two houses apart and transferred in our school with the same schedule as mine yet his name is all around girls' mouth. It just made me hate him even more.

Speaking of the devil.

Sky entered the cafeteria like he was some young celebrity ready to be entertained by his fans. He's not alone, he's with his teammates.

Most of the jocks in our school are tall, hot, sexy and all the compliments you could utter for a male student-athlete. Andrew, Jake and Matthew belong to the basketball team as well. Zach belonged to the football team, he was the captain. Obviously, he's already popular, and joining the football team made him the most attractive male student in our school yet the most humble.

I miss him, I thought to myself.

"Francine, what do you have for lunch?" Alexa asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I think, I'll just order some sandwich." I smiled and stood up.

I sauntered to the counter and ordered sandwich and a plate of vegetable salad. The cashier handed me my food and just when I'm about to fumble for my wallet, Sky appeared beside me and already extended a bill to the cashier.

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