CHAPTER 38 (Should I Call Back?)

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It's a beautiful day and Sky drove me to school today. I hopped out of the car as he opened it and I smiled. "Thank you so much for the gift." I hugged him. "That's really un-Sky of you." I laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"How can you say 'thank you' and insult me at the same time?" He tsked and walked away from me. He's so cute when he's sulking. I followed him and tugged his arms.

"Come on," I giggled. "What I mean is, you've really changed a lot. I mean, you were sweeter and a lot more confident to show your affection. You know, a rare kind of clingy Sky."

He laughed and patted my head. "I told you Francine, I'm better being your bestie than your boyfriend." He laughed and it made cute creases on his face and his dimples beside her lips appeared.

"Stop." I giggled.

He looked at me and he stopped walking. I stopped walking too. "Stop what?"

"Stop being so—"

"Annoying?" He chuckled.

Stop being so cute...

I laughed. "Nevermind."

We entered the classroom and I went to the second row to the third table and put my bag on the side. Sky's seat was assigned fourth row to the last table. Basically, he's far away from my table. I sighed and looked at him. He made a sad face and a puppy eyes and waved goodbye to me. I did the same and we laughed.

I'm probably gonna get cornered by my friends later at lunch because today is Friday and Friday nights are the best with Francine blah blah blah...

The professor opened the textbook and he asked us to open our books.

As we continue to study on how Philosophy made an impact to the world, everyone was active in recitation and everyone in the class contributed about our topic, the Love of Wisdom.

"Okay," Mr. Carter cleared his throat and started walking around the class. "I'm gonna give an example. Let's say, "Love". What makes someone become full of wisdom about love without even having the full experience of it?"

That question is kind of confusing though. I can't say that I haven't fully experienced love because duh I've been with many guys before.

A classmate stood up and said, "It is because that person is surrounded by people who have the experience of it. Therefore, he knows the feeling, the struggle and even the pain."

"Fantastic Mr..."

He cleared her throat. "Miller. Bryan Miller."

"Good point, mr. Miller." Mr. Carter walked towards the table. "You have no full experience of love but you know how it felt like and how it works because you see how it works with other people. Therefore, you start to battle and reflect on your mind and the wisdom starts to form there."

"But, according to our philosopher, David Hume, if you haven't fully experienced something, therefore, it is just your 'ideas'. This can be categorized into two, impression and ideas."

Wow, that's kinda deep...

The discussion gets more and more exciting but suddenly, the lunch bell rang and all the students stood up. Mr. Carter dismissed us and all the students went off. I gathered my things and Sky walks towards me.

"Hey." Sky smiled. We sauntered out of the room and we saw a bustling hallway of students. "The discussion was pretty interesting today."

I smiled. "Absolutely."

We walked to the cafeteria and we saw our friends on the table that becomes our property since we always sit in there. We ordered our food and Sky took the tray.

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