CHAPTER 36 (Forever and Always)

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I was still sleeping but my doorbell rang and I walked towards the door and opened it. It was Sky.

"Jesus, you're so early." I said with my morning voice. "What's up?"

"We're going to school!" He beamed.

"What?" I asked and rubbed my eyes. "But it's not necessary."

"Oh come on," Sky said. "Let's have fun today! You had enough sleep, now take a bath and wear your best clothes. I'm taking you out."

I grunted. "I'm still sleepy."

"Oh look, there's a spider on your hair!"

"What!?" I freaked out and jumped like my life depends on it. "Where? Where!?"

"Now you're not sleepy anymore." He said and winked. "Go take a bath."

I grunted at the back of my throat and rolled my eyes. "You're so annoying."

"I know." He winked at me. I rolled my eyes and trudged towards the bathroom. I wore my comfiest white hoodie that I bought from Blackpoint and black bottom pants. I put make-up on and blow-dried my hair and put it on ponytail.

I sauntered to the living room and Sky stood up and smiled. "Wow. You look—"

"Radishes?" I said.

He laughed.

"You look beautiful." He smiled. "Let's go. We'll be using my car."

"Okay." I secretly smiled.

He open the door for me and I hopped in. He drove and we got to school, a lot of students from other school are here obviously because I've never seen any of them here. I always roam around school and I'm very familiar with faces more than names.

We went to eat burgers for breakfast and bought an ice cream while walking to the booths area.

I saw my clique and I waved at them. Sandy and the rest walked towards us.

"Hey, France!" Sandy kissed my cheeks.

The girls hugged me and the boys as well.

"Dude, what's up?" Matthew asked Sky. Jake and Andrew did the bro hugs with him.

"Doing good, bro." Sky said. "I've been with Francine for these past few days, we've been doing our project and we hung out yesterday."

"Nice." Diane winked at me.

"Nice, huh?" I retorted. "What's up with you and Blake?"

The girls and boys gasped except Sky because he already knew about it.

"Okay, chill out." She laughed. "I'll tell you when all of us got free time."

"You better tell us sneaky girl." Alexa smirked.

"I didn't know Blake had a thing for blondes. I thought he likes brunettes."

"Same." Jake laughed.

"I guess, people change." Andrew said and we all laughed.

"We got to go, France," Jake said. "See you on Valentine's day."

I smiled and we hugged our goodbyes. "See you guys."

We walked and I saw a Photo Booth. I love photo booths! I asked Sky to try it and he smiled and said, "I thought you'd never ask."

We went to the Photo booth and we took photos together. Some are silly photos, goofy photos wearing a lot of different hats and photos where we smile and hug each other. We went out of the booth and the photos were printed quickly.

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