CHAPTER 30 (Nostalgia)

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"I would really want to come in there but..." He stood straight, putting his hands on his pockets and smirked. "I don't really have time, we have to discuss our project. You have to hurry."

What? He's turning down my offer? Am I not attractive?

I scowled at him, that's a little weird... "Are you serious?" I blinked. "I mean... Okay."

He smiled. "I'll wait for you in the living room. Hurry up." He turned around and close my door.

For the record, I didn't feel embarrassed or humiliated. I feel upset. He's really weird for rejecting my limited offer.

Did he seriously turn down sex for a stupid film-making? I'm sure as hell that I look seductive with my wet long hair cascading over my shoulders, provocative eyes, and wet glossy lips.

Is he gay? Nobody does that. Nobody turns down sex for a lame school project.

If sex isn't his priority now, what else could I do for him to fall inlove with me again?

I wrapped my towel over my body and wore my pajamas and baggy shirt with the strawberry shortcake printed on it. I combed my hair and put the towel behind my bathroom door.

I sauntered to the living room and I saw Sky tapping and completely engrossed with his phone. I saw his face softened and he sighed. I walked towards him and sit beside him.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." He heaved a sigh. "Let's start discussing our project."

"Okay." I said. I stood up and took the laptop in my room. I walked to the living room and sit beside Sky.

"So..." I opened the laptop and enter my password. "What do you have in mind?"

Sky is still looking at his phone, looking flustered and worried? I don't know, but he obviously didn't hear my question.

"Sky," I closed my laptop and sighed. "If you're absent-minded and not focused right now, we can't work this project out."

A text popped up his phone. He grabbed his phone and read it, he sighed. His eyes fell sad and he bit his lower lip.

"Listen, Francine." He stood up and tossed his phone in his pocket. "I can't discuss this project right now, I need to hurry, I'm sorry."

"What?" I stood up and grimaced. "But you're the one who suggest to talk abou-"

"I can't, not tonight." He treaded towards the door and opened it. "I'll make it up to you, see you tomorrow."

He left so fast like a pizza delivery man. He left me very confused of his actions. At first, he turned down sex for a lame school project, and now, he turned down the lame school project for a sudden text?

I didn't expect Sky to be that kind of man to reject something related to his ego, I could tell that he's more willing to skip classes than to skip something fun.


The next day, I didn't see any signs of Sky in the school vicinity. He didn't even make an effort to text me that he couldn't come in school or in our Art Appreciation subject so I had to lie to our professor that we already discussed the important details about our film and I had to stupidly pretend to write notes so that I could keep myself looking busy in front of him so he wouldn't doubt my intelligency.

I am so close to getting annoyed. Lucky for me, the lunch bell rang, indicating that it's already breath-time. Packing my things, I sauntered out of the classroom and walk towards the cafeteria. I saw my friends at the long table and I sit next to them.

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