CHAPTER 35 (Promise Booth)

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The next day, I woke up with a smile on my face knowing that our voice recording is done and we just need some editing and all is done! I drove to school with Sky and we are both happy for today.

Walking to our first class, the school's announcement microphones catched the attention of the whole campus.

"Good morning to all the students of New York University." The male announcer greeted. "Today, February 12, is the start of the school's preparation for the upcoming Valentine's Day. Basically, it's gonna be an irregular class for three specific days—today, February 12, 13 and 14. We invite you to please participate on the said event. It doesn't matter if you are in a relationship, it's complicated, heartbroken or single. We all deserve to be happy and celebrate the day of Love. See you on February 14!"

"This day can get any better!" I cheered.

Sky draped his hands around my shoulder. "Let's join some booth!"

I giggled. "Let's go!"

We run to the corridor and went to the front lawn and we saw a lot of registration area and booths along the way. I saw Andrew and Alexa together at the marriage booth, Sandy, Jake and Matthew at the Henna Tattoo booth, Is Matthew okay with third wheeling? Jeez.

I'm looking for Diane but I can't see her anywhere.

"Hey, let's go for the movie booth!" Sky said.

I nodded. "I'll just call Diane. I can't find her anywhere in here."

Sky chuckled. "Diane is totally fine. She's with Blake."

I gasped. "Holy crap! What? Since when!?"

"Hey, chill. Blake asked her just awhile ago. He seems pretty swoon by Diane's confidence." Sky said. "He likes Diane."

My eyes widened. "Jesus, he likes Diane!? Duh, he likes everyone! Besides, Diane is not the girl to mess with."

"Then I guess you don't have to worry about her." He smiled. "Let's go and get some popcorn!"

Sky took my hand and we walked towards the movie booth. I'm still pretty taken aback that Diane went out with Blake.

As we sauntered to the movie booth, I thought that this is worth filming. I took a video of me and Sky while watching the horror movie on the big white screen. I never thought that Sky could be frightened by a movie and he even screamed like a baby. Good thing I recorded that too, I'm gonna put that on our film.

At last, the movie ended. I guess I was the only one who's laughing because of Sky's reactions during the movie. It got less terrifying and I enjoyed it so much. We walked out of the booth and we sauntered to the Promise booth.

I have trust issues about promises but this booth won't hurt, right? It's just for entertainment and fun.

When we entered, oddly there's cameras all around. Maybe it's for the documentation. I looked around and I saw six big bowls labelled as Single, In a relationship, Complicated, Crush, Heartbroken and Friendship.

The rules are:
1. Pick a bowl that fits your status in love.
2. You have to pick three rolled papers inside.
3. Read the promise in your mind and never tell to your partner anything about it.
4. After reading every paper, don't forget to say the words, "I promise." To seal it.
4. After reading all those promises, fold them and keep them with you.
5. Make those promises come true before Valentine's day ends.

"Sounds exciting." I giggled.

"Yeah." He chuckled. "Let's pick a bowl."

We picked the Friendship bowl and the coordinators look at each other, I guess they thought we're couple but bestfriends can be in opposite gender and platonic at the same time.

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