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Photo Credit: Pinterest-source unknown.   One of the saddest things in life is saying goodbye.  One of the best things in life is the legacy you leave behind.  Pamela's legacy was the joy she left in her wake in her personal quest to make sure everyone had a reason to smile.  She lives on as her smile and her joie de vivre passed on to her son.


"Mama?" Arayna felt her senses returning as she struck on a thought. "Can we please stop by Graham's? Just for a few minutes. I just need to see them. To let them tell them..." she sighed, losing her struggle to put her thoughts into words. "Please?"

"Sure honey." Her mother reached over and patted Arayna's knee. "For a few minutes."


Arayna climbed out of the car and tentatively knocked on the front door. In her mind, Arayna knew that there would never be another Christmas card with Pamela's curly cursive writing or another long newsy phone call. But Arayna's heart couldn't quite let go of hope that Pamela would answer the door and life would go on as it always had. Knowing what she did, Arayna still felt the stab of disappointment when Mrs. Morgan answered the door.

"Hello Mrs. Morgan."

"Arayna Delosi! Please won't you come in." Mrs. Morgan's face brightened in a sad smile as she embraced Arayna.

"Thank you, Mrs. Morgan." Arayna smiled as she pulled away and stepped inside. "I'm sorry I come empty handed. Mama brought me straight from the airport."

As if noticing Mrs. Delosi for the first time, Mrs. Morgan blinked and extended her welcome. "Hello Catherine. Thank you for stopping by. Jesse really liked the cherry cobbler you brought."

"I'm glad to hear that, Rebecca. I'll have to make him another one for his birthday."

"He'd like that." Mrs. Morgan answered, closing the door behind them and following her guests inside. "Graham is in the bedroom with Jesse but I'll tell him that you're here."

"Thank you, Mrs. Morgan." Arayna felt like a parrot, "There's no hurry. We –I—I just wanted to stop by and see how— "

"Ray?" Grahams voice was weary and weighted with grief. "Ray? Is that you?"

Arayna's heart leapt to her throat when she heard his voice and then crashed to her belly when she saw how utterly devastated he was.

"It's me, Graham." She managed, though shock choked further response.


If Arayna felt shocked by his appearance, she was completely astonished when he rushed forward and enveloped her in a crushing bear hug. "Oh my god. It's so good to see you. I was hoping you would come. Pamela would want you here. How long are you staying?"

"I came as soon as I heard and I'm here as long as I need to be." She was still a little shaken when he released her. With his hands gently resting on her shoulders, he held her at arm's length to get a better look at her.

"You haven't changed a bit. I wish Pamela could have..." his voice choked off and he looked away suddenly to swipe at his eyes.

Arayna placed her hand over the one that still rested on her shoulder. "She would have squealed like a little piggy and jumped me at the door."

Graham turned to her with tearful eyes and a sad smile. "Then she would have dragged you inside and forced you to sit and drink coffee while she went on and on."

"She was my most enthusiastic friend." Arayna smiled through her own tears. It felt good to remember together.

"After we shared so much, I think it's fitting that ... Pamela would have liked this."

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now