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PHOTO CREDIT -all original   As part of my writing process, I do a lot of research and planning with every single story I write.  For this book, I decided to share some of it with you, as sort of a bonus for staying with me for the year it took me to get writing again.  I had no idea what a mayor did.  After I learned all about it, I started making notes on a calendar to try to see how the three lives of Graham might fit together.  The single dad, the competent mayor, and the man himself.  I turned it into a spread sheet and started adding notes as scenes and scenarios started popping into my head.  Here's a tiny part of the calendar I created as a guide for writing this book.  My calendar ran from August last year through January next year.   Lots of fun stuff that didn't make the book.   Hmm... BONUS scenes maybe?


Arayna was still curious but she'd ask dad about it later. She had to quit her job and she knew it was going to hurt the café, as they were already shorthanded. Maybe...

"Arayna?" Ger snapped her fingers with a chuckle.

"Sorry. Yes," she shook her head, as if shaking off the curiosity to focus on her task. "He's here. Table 7 again."

Ger nodded.

"I thought so." Ger nodded. "Don't worry about the two-week thing."

"But what about—"

"Go with the mayor," Ger waved her out of the office. "We'll manage here. Betsy's been asking for more hours. I'll tell Meg what's going on when I meet with her tomorrow."

Ger paused as if considering something and smiled warmly at her.

Arayna waited, not sure what to expect.

"Listen, Arayna, if you ever find yourself at odds again, come see me. You've got a job here for whenever you need it, for as long as you need it."

Arayna didn't think. She launched herself over the desk. The archaic monitor wobbled as she stretched to give Ger a hug.

"Thank you." Arayna beamed as she dropped a quick kiss on the startled woman's cheek and returned to the Mayor's table.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked timidly. It felt a little awkward, now that she wasn't their server.

"You can sit by me!" Jesse smiled patting the small space beside him.

Graham slid a bit closer to Bill so Jesse could make room for Ray. Arayna offered him a smile as she squeezed herself in the booth.

"I take it that means you accept our offer?" Bill asked over the rim of his coffee.

"Yes sir." Arayna smiled. "I had to square it with the management first. I didn't want to leave them hanging..."

"That's commendable." Graham nodded.

"Welcome aboard." Bill smiled as he reached into his jacket and took out a small roll of papers which he handed over to Arayna "Take a look."

Arayna was familiar with the move, but usually the papers came from a briefcase neatly clipped, tabbed, and collated. After she moved a few things to make room on the table she unrolled them.

Normal employee paperwork. And a non-disclosure form. Pretty standard stuff.

She pulled a pen from the pocket of the apron she still wore and started on the forms. While she scribbled in the blanks, Bill went over the expectations. By the time lunch was finished, Arayna was official. She was hired...and the job came with benefits and a salary that allowed her to quit the other jobs.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now