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This has been coming for awhile.  It's a bit sad.  It also shows off the connection between Graham and Mr. Delosi.  And it shows how much Jesse has grown and healed since his mother passed.  Little Jesse handles it very well.  And Ray learns that she still has family, because sometimes family is more than just blood connections.


This Year, May

"Ray? You got a minute?"

"Sure thing, Boss." She smiled and turned off her monitor. He always started the same way when he had something he needed her to do for him. She wondered what it might be this time.

Graham watched as Ray turned off her monitor to give him her full attention. It was a simple gesture, but one he'd come to appreciate. It was one of the little things that Ray did without thinking that drew people to her.

"Every year on Mother's Day, I take Jesse to the cemetery to visit his mom. This morning Jesse remembered that your mama was in heaven too and he wanted me to invite you."

"That's so thoughtful." She smiled. "You've done a wonderful job raising that little man."

"I've had a lot of help. Especially since last August." Graham tipped his head and gave her a pointed look as he smiled back.

"Do you think your dad would like to join us? We'll have lunch at my mom's afterward. I've already talked to her and mom's good with it if you think your dad might like to join us for the day."

"Daddy would absolutely love to." Ray gave a smile.

"I guess I should have asked if your dad can leave the home. We can go to him if—" Ray gasped and Graham noticed her eyes were suspiciously moist. "Awe, don't cry, hon."

"I'm not crying." She sniffled. "Daddy can travel, it's just that he's never had anywhere to go."

"Well, he does now." Graham smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets.

Happy tears, he reminded himself as one slipped down her cheek.

It was difficult not to go to her and wrap her in his arms. Pretend girlfriend, he reminded himself. He should have talked to her when they were in that hotel in Masonville. Or anytime in the three long months since...but the timing never seemed to be right. He wanted her for real, and he was terrified of sounding false or chasing her off.


This Year, June

The rush of excitement sent a shiver down her spine. Arayna looked around and checked the clock again. Today was June 20, the first official day of summer and the kick off for her pet project: The Summer Reading program. During the first few weeks of the year, she had argued frequently with Bill about which of the summer camps Graham should attend. Bill didn't think this was a good choice.

Graham and Bill's wife Jenn were ready in the kid's corner with mats for a reading circle and a stack of books to get them through their sessions. Bill was downstairs helping with the "heavy lifting" as he called it. He wasn't good with kids, except for Jesse, so he was happy to be behind the scenes. That was alright with her, since it freed up one of the aides to help her in the front.

A last look around and then her eyes settled on the doors. A few more minutes and they would open. Little faces pressed on the glass doors, excited about the day. Arayna remembered the day she got her first library card. She was eight and Daddy took her to the library one Saturday. She was so proud as she wrote her name on the back of the library card. In fact, she had that card tucked away somewhere.

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