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As they were on route to the hospital, Mrs. Morgan called. Arayna answered because Graham was driving.

"Hello Mrs. Morgan. Graham's driving so he can't take the phone. Do you want me to put you on speaker? Sure, I'll tell him. Thank you. And tell Jesse that I—Sure...Hi Jesse. Yes, this is Ray-Ray. I can't wait to see you. I will try not to be too sad, but spending time with you always makes me feel happy. Your dad is right here..." Arayna chuckled softly

"...I'll tell him. I'll see you tonight... I love you too, Sweetheart...Bye Bye." Arayna waited a moment for Mrs. Morgan to come back before she realized Jesse had disconnected the call. With a shrug she put the phone back on the seat between them.

"I take it they are going to visit us at the hospital later tonight?" Graham asked, glad his voice worked around the lump in his throat.

Ray said 'I love you too.' Which means that Jesse said it first. Jesse.

Graham blinked to clear his vision.

For three years he'd worried that Jesse would never get over his mother's sudden death. That Jesse would never speak, or laugh, or love...

Graham looked sideways at Ray and realized she was speaking.

"... so thoughtful. He wanted me to know that since my daddy was in the hospital, I could borrow his daddy so I wouldn't be alone." Arayna frowned and looked away. Without conscious thought, she reached over to rest a hand on his knee. Graham was a great dad to Jesse, but she rather hoped to stir something other than fatherly affection from the man.

What was she thinking? This was hardly the time. Daddy was—the muscles beneath her hand flexed as he moved to brake for a light. She realized with a start where her hand was but kept her gaze on the passing scenery so he couldn't see the blush in her cheeks. Lord help her, but she didn't want to move her hand. Well, she wanted to move her hand, but not away from...wait, what was Graham saying?

"...generous." Graham tried not to let his thoughts linger on the physical reaction he had when her fingers flexed ever so slightly.

Ray needed his was not the time to let her realize

...sour milk...stepping in dog shit barefoot...

The thoughts cooled his ardor like a bucket of ice water. He swallowed before he went on.

"You know that I was here for you even before Jesse volunteered me, right?" He rested his hand over hers and gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. "I'm here because I want to be here." And he meant it with all of his hear—heart. He blinked and tried to focus on the road.

...peanut butter and pickle sandwiches with mustard and soy sauce...

Arayna felt the warmth of his hand and hope wrapped her in a warm embrace. For now, she could be content with his gentle strength and the comfort of his presence. "Thank you, Graham. I can't tell you how much it means to me. I don't want to think about—"

His thumb gently stroked the back of her hand and the jolt she felt interrupted her thoughts. Her eyes closed as she turned her head toward the window and took a steadying breath. Slowly she opened her eyes and continued to gaze out the window as she absently finished. "Anyway, Jesse says to tell you that he loves you and that he'll see you later tonight."

Graham sensed she didn't want an answer and a comfortable silence filled the space between them. He was content to simply be here for her, and grateful she allowed him to hold her hand. It was a simple gesture, but it was an intimate one. His heart warmed at the thought that she might feel something too.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now