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Photo Credits: Photo of Jonathan


Arayna saw that a stack of notepads and pens waited on the table. Awesome. After fixing a cup of coffee for Graham she headed back to the bedroom. The sound of the shower was conspicuously absent so she raised her hand to knock and almost hit Graham in the nose as he opened the door.

"You look yummy." She teased as she took in his jeans and dark long-sleeved t-shirt. She recognized the outfit from one of the photo shoots. She liked that it showed off his broad shoulders, narrow hips and various other parts of his wonderful anatomy that she couldn't wait to explore...she felt a blush and shoved the coffee forward.

"Pow-Wow in the dining room." She blurted and spun on her heels to head back, hoping her blush would burn away before anyone noticed.

Graham grabbed the coffee with one hand and her wrist with the other.

"Not so fast." He said, tugging her back into his room, closing the door behind her.

"Jenn and Liz are here and—"

"And Bill and Jim can make sure they have coffee and are comfortable." Graham sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Are you okay?" Graham dipped his knees so he could look directly into her face as he searched for signs of...of what he had no idea.

"I'm fine."

"Truly? I know that it looked bad...really bad."

"Fine." She sighed. "At first I was a complete wreck." She admitted uncomfortably shifting from foot to foot and trying to step back, "But then I talked to Liz...and Jim. And we figured it all out, well mostly anyway."

"You figured what out?" Graham frowned, worried that "it" might have something to do with not seeing each other anymore. Right, like he'd let that happen. He'd crawl naked over broken glass before he'd let her go...Hell, he'd only just found her!

"Pow-Wow?" she tugged back toward the door.

With a gentle pull, she was in his arms, being kissed. Her protest was muffled as she became an active participant in the deepening kiss. Arayna felt especially grateful that Liz called so quickly after it happened yesterday. She couldn't believe, as her toes curled, that she could ever believe so ill of him...NEVER AGAIN would she doubt him for a single second.


Arayna tried to jump back, but Graham held her close.

"Bill." Graham looked over Arayna's shoulder at his friend standing in the doorway. He was reluctant to let her go at all after he thought he had lost her for good.

"Pow-Wow." Arayna bounced up on her toes and gave him a quick peck on the lips before she wiggled away. This time Graham let her go, although he caught up her hand and wouldn't let go.

"I thought I lost you." Graham smiled when Ray looked back at him and added when she arched an eyebrow and glanced at their joined hands. "I'd rather not let go."

Arayna felt her heart start thumping against her ribs and the wattage of her smile was off the charts as she realized the implications. She squeezed his hand and winked.

"I plead temporary insanity." She teased as they reached the other end of the hall and were able to walk side by side until she tugged away at the kitchen. "I need caffeine." She smiled. "Sit by me?"

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Graham grinned, "except maybe if we shared a chair."


Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now