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Photo Credit:; dining area and happy birthday-pinterest source unknown;     It wasn't a fancy party, since they had such a short notice, but Mrs. Morgan was creative with some leftover balloons and banner she borrowed from a friend's daughter.  She made a cake, which Jesse insisted on decorating with Skittles to make it pretty for Ray-Ray.  Graham's contribution was a small bouquet of flowers that Mrs. Morgan used for a centerpiece.  It wasn't fancy, but it was attended with love and friendship and even though she wished they hadn't, Arayna felt her insides go all mushy at the thoughtfulness of the gesture.


"That's the idea." He chuckled. "It ruffles up their feathers and keeps people unfocused." He shrugged. "If I annoy them enough, they stick around to try for a second or third round. More for the school, right?"

"Well, it worked." She acknowledged. "Your booth will probably turn out to be the one that brought in the most and no one dunked you all day."

"Except you." Graham bumped his shoulder against hers, knocking her a step to the side. "My heckling didn't distract you."

"Graham," she stopped, shoved a hand to her cocked hip and glared up at him, "You've been heckling me for so many years I developed an immunity."

He burst out laughing and a second later, she joined him. They walked together through the lot to where she parked near the back corner. Graham came to the festival with Bill this morning. But Bill was taking Jenn to Masonville with him tonight, so Arayna was Graham's ride home. She unlocked the passenger side first and handed him the keys.

He stepped back as she leaned into the car to put the receipts, ledgers, and cash box into the back seat. Through the rear window she saw the doors swing open on the car behind them. Two men she didn't recognize jumped out and ran toward Graham. She heard him cursing and felt his hand touch the small of her back as he moved to block her from their view. She saw flashes going off and groaned.

Graham chased them off but as they drove away, he frequently checked the rear-view mirror.

"You don't think they'll follow us, do you?

"I don't think so, but I wouldn't put it past them either. I hoped this wouldn't happen, but it looks like Bill was right. It looks like this is going to turn into a tabloid campaign." His palm smacked down hard on the steering wheel.

"I've dealt with tabloids." She shrugged. "How bad can it be? We were at a school fundraiser for crying out loud, not a night club or a motel."

Graham just arched an eyebrow at her.

"Right." She shrugged.


Last year, September 1

She jumped up with a start when a newspaper slammed on the desk in front of her. She looked up at Graham's scowling face and then at the folded paper as she read the bold caption.

"Who is the Mayor's HOT new Girl Friday?"

"I'm hot?" she arched an eyebrow and glanced at the paper.

Below the teaser title was a picture of Graham trying to shoo them off. Behind him the car door was open and her rump was sticking out. A small caption was below the photo. She read aloud:

"Is the mayor using his office and tax dollars for his personal business? He's hired himself a new assistant and she's HOT. Who is she and what is REALLY going on in the Mayor's office?"

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now