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Photo credit: compilation of google search free images.      A view from Jesse's spot at their booth at the cafe...notice his crayons?  All that's missing are the Goldfish crackers and of course, the chocolate milk!


"Anything new?"

"About the new job? No." Arayna sighed and blew an errant bit of hair off her forehead.

"But they won't be looking for general staff until they set up headquarters."

"Don't they already have a headquarters? Wait, is that at city hall?"

"They do have a building that is used for headquarters. Bill, that's Graham's advisor and PR guy, it's his offices but Graham uses it for headquarters during the campaign season. A re-election campaign should always be run from an off-site location. It can't interfere with regular city business. Plus, the funds are all separate. The arrangement keeps everyone honest."

Betsy laughed.

"I know, an honest politician, funny—right?" Arayna chuckled.

"Seriously though," Arayna assured, "most of them are just regular people working hard to make things better."

"Like the lobbyist you used to work with?"

"Well, that's just one small part of the whole thing, but yeah. Thanks to me and few hundred other people, lots of good causes made their way into law."

"You told me about some of the people that come there for help and advice. I still can't believe that one lady with the red-light thing. You'd think that would already be in the lawbooks."

"Thanks to her and all of her hard work, it finally made it into her state. And that's why there is so much work in politics...there are 50 states and they all have different versions of the laws."

"I heard about the death-penalty express lane in Texas." Betsy chuckled.

"Express..." Arayna frowned and then laughed as she recalled. "I never heard it called that, but yeah. If three people see you kill someone it's straight to death row."

"Do not pass go..." Betsy laughed again.

"Well, you're feeling feisty today." Arayna chuckled. "Where do you hear all of this?"

"Comedy radio. Comedians are some of the most informed people I know. They have to stay current. And as one of my friends told me, you can't make that shit up!"

"That's true. There's a reason people say that truth is stranger than fiction."

Betsy agreed then looked thoughtful. "So, what do they do?"

Arayna frowned. Betsy was a sweetheart, but she often made sudden topic changes. Usually Arayna could follow, though this time Betsy lost her.

"At headquarters?" Betsy clarified


"Hold that thought." Arayna smiled as she turned to fill a tray and grab her order.

Arayna balanced three plates on her arm while carrying a tray of drinks on the other. Jane took the order but her shift ended before it was up. Arayna would finish up the table and leave the tip for Jane. Judging from the kids' plate and cup of chocolate milk, table seven was a family.

Rounding the corner Arayna was amazed to find Graham, his son Jesse, and Bill Gage sitting at table seven, which was actually a corner booth.

"Hello. Your server Jane had to leave." She smiled by way of greeting as she set the tray down and grabbed the child's plate.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now