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Photo Credit:; creative commons   Do you remember when band aids were badges of honor?  And all the stories you told about why you need the band aid in the first place?  Dragons? Monsters? Bad Guys? Daring Do?  Or the worst of them all...shots!


"He adores you." Graham affirmed as he backed out of the drive.

"And I adore him." She smiled down at Jesse, reaching over with her free hand to stroke his little cheek. "He has such a big heart with a child's innocence and sense of wonder. And it's all wrapped up with his incredible sweetness."

"He's a handful, alright." Graham chuckled.

"Drop me and Jesse at your house. I'll stay with him while you have your meeting."

"My meeting?"

"I left your calendar on the seat. You have a meeting with Mrs. Sanchez and Mrs. Elliot from the Lincoln Elementary PTA. They want you to help with their fundraiser at the end of August. I thought it was as good a way as any for you to start your baby-kissing."

He frowned.

"They want to see if you will sit for a few hours in their dunking booth." She chuckled.

"What about you?" He asked, although he didn't take his eyes off the traffic.

"I've volunteered to help with the face-painting booth."


Jesse woke up as Graham took him from his car seat and cried for Ray-Ray. Once in her arms, he snuggled back down without opening his eyes. She looked at Graham with a frown of worry.

"Should he still be this sleepy?"

"He's always been like that when he gets Benadryl. He'll be fine by morning."

She nodded and carried Jesse while Graham got the door for them. Graham followed her into Jesse's room and gathered his jammies as Arayna set him on the bed. At Ray's startled gasp, he spun around to see her tumbling forward.

As Arayna bent forward, she lowered Jesse to the bed. Without warning he tightened his grip around her neck, choking off her windpipe. She let out a strangled gasp as she lost her precarious balance and started to fall. She wrapped one arm tightly around Jesse and threw her other hand out to try to catch her weight but suddenly she was jerked back and felt Graham's steadying presence.

His hands rested on her waist until she was steady and then he stepped back. "Are you okay?"

She stood with the boy in her arms and looked at Graham. Jesse loosened his grip on her windpipe but she still couldn't find her voice. She gave a little nod and swallowed. She felt her heart thumping and was surprised to find how frightened she'd been a moment ago when she thought she might fall while holding Jesse.

"Sorry about my clingy little monkey. I should have warned you that he does this when he doesn't feel well. Here," he gestured to Jesse's little boy bed. "Sit down. You can help me change him while he sits on your lap. You might be able to talk him into letting go," Graham shrugged as he tugged an arm through a sleeve, "But you'll probably have to lay in his bed with him until he goes back to sleep. Pamela used to—" he shrugged. "I mean, I usually stay with him all night when he was like this."

"I can stay with him."" She offered as she lifted Jesse so Graham could pull up the bottoms. He's been through so much today. I can't bear the thought of him waking up alone."

"How noble of you." He mumbled. Arayna frowned.

She watched as Graham picked up the pile of discarded clothes and tossed them in the hamper. When he finished, he turned back to her with his crooked grin and she knew he was teasing her again.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now