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PHOTO CREDITS: background: altered, purple gift and book-altered pinterest: actual source unknown

NOTES: In this chapter you get to learn a little about young Aryana and see how old family traditions can be new ...all over again, and how special it can make something as simple as reading a story.


Graham settled on the sofa and enjoyed watching the three of them wrapping the presents for the shelter. He made special note of the special present prominently displayed under the tree, on the top, and in the front.

"All done." Mrs. Morgan announced as Jesse helped put the last bow on the last gift.

The three of them had the gifts back into bags and loaded in the trunk. His mother would drop them off on her way home tonight. She promised to be back in the morning in time to make smiley-face pancakes.

When it was just the three of them, Jesse played happily with his cars on the floor between the sofa and the tree. Graham was very aware of Ray curled against his side. The fireplace as going, the stockings were hung, and the lights on the tree twinkled merrily.

"Jesse," Ray began nervously, "I want to tell you a story about me and Grampy, from when I was a little girl..."


"One present? Really?" Jesse grinned looking excitedly from Graham to Arayna and back again. "I can really open one present? Right now?"

"Really." Graham confirmed and shared a special look of understanding with Ray as Jesse crawled to the tree and began looking at the gifts.

"Wait!" Ray called suddenly and Graham turned away from her toward his son, who stood frozen as he reached for a gift with sparkly snowflakes on the wrapping. "It has to be the special present."

Graham watched as Ray slid from the sofa and crawled over to Jesse, settling herself on the floor next to him sitting cross-legged. "This one." Ray pointed to the purple present with the big bow.

"The special present." Jesse said in an awed whisper, as he stared at it. "Just like Grampy gave you when you were little."

"I know that he would have liked for you to know what it was like to get a special present."

Jesse settled cross-legged facing his Ray-Ray and gently lifted the special present to his lap. He just stared at it. When he looked up, Graham's heart nearly broke. Jesse was about to cry.

"Oh, baby, what is it?" Ray reached out to gently cup his cheek and wipe away a tear with her thumb.

"There aren't any phones in heaven. So even though he's far away like he was when you were little, Grampy can't call! He can't read the story!"

"Oh sweetheart." Ray reached for him and Graham cleared his throat, pulling a book out from behind the sofa cushion.

"Will it be alright if I read it to you instead?" Graham asked, feeling so proud of his son. A boy that lost so much, but still felt so much love for those around him.

Jesse nodded, tears forgotten as he gently pulled at the paper and unwrapped the present almost reverently. He stared at the pajamas inside. They were red and black plaid with footsies. After a moment, Jesse reached to touch them. "They're so soft."

"Do you like them?" Ray-Ray asked as she reached over and brushed away a lock of hair that fell over Jesse's forehead. "Really?"

"YES!" Jesse jumped up so suddenly, he barely missed cracking Ray in the chin with the top of his head.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now