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Photo Credits: Background-pinterest.  The rest of the images have been altered: hospital,,, woman and

I know I said this was going to be different than my usual writing.  I said that my characters would be facing challenges and changes internally...but I just couldn't help myself.  I had to throw in a teeny bit of intrigue and of course, at least ONE action scene.  Enjoy.


What? Arayna squeaked as she felt herself being pulled to her feet. As soon as she tried to stand, she started to go down again as her ankle was swollen twice its size and dark as a ripe plum.

"Ah!" she cried out, hardly noticing that Jim caught her up against his side. "Where's Jesse?" She asked twisting to look around as Jim scooped her up.

"Careful!" Jim stumbled and shifted her weight before they both fell to the ground. "Be still!" He urged as he started carefully down the slope toward the parking lot. The wail of sirens sounded in the distance.

Arayna saw movement out of her eye and turned to see that Jesse was safe. Carefully she raked her eyes over his form and felt a sigh of relief escape. Jesse looked okay, although the poor baby was obviously terrified and crying for ...her heart melted. Jesse wasn't crying for his daddy. The sweet baby was crying for his Ray-Ray.

"Jim!" she slapped his shoulder and pointed toward Jesse and Mrs. Morgan.

"Fine." Jim huffed as he changed direction and carried her toward the tree line where Mrs. Morgan sat trying to comfort Jesse.

Jim gently set Rayn on her good foot before he lowered her to the ground and released her to Mrs. Morgan. With a nod toward Rayn, he went back for Graham.

Arayna welcomed Jesse with open arms as the boy launched himself at her, locking his arms around her neck. This time she didn't mind so much that she could scarcely breath. Jesse was safe. Thank you, Lord.

Graham cried out loudly and Arayna twisted to see him being lifted between Bill and Jim. The dark mark on his trouser leg was bigger and she realized it must be blood. Her stomach soured and she felt herself begin to tremble as the adrenaline began to recede.

A few minutes later, Graham was lowered to the ground next to them. Jesse kept one arm around her neck as he launched himself toward Graham. Instead of fighting the pull, she tumbled into Graham's waiting arms. As relief washed over her, she her tears begin to fall.

Adrenaline exhausted, she felt frightened and vulnerable. But they were all safe, the good Lord be praised. She tipped her head toward the heavens and loose hair tickled her cheek. Brushing it behind her ear, she realized her elegant up-do had fallen. As she turned into Graham's shoulder and stroked Jesse's back, her thoughts wandered randomly. She lost Jenn's clip somewhere. She must look a fright....


Arayna didn't hear the crash as the little car ground over the curb on the edge of the lot and crunched to a stop halfway atop a parked car. She didn't hear the sirens from emergency vehicles. She didn't see the flashing of all the cameras or hear the shouts of dozens of bystanders. She didn't hear the little fat man as he arrived shortly after Graham, all wheezing and apologetic.

All she remembered from those first moments afterward, was that she held Jesse tightly to her, safe in her embrace, just as they both were held securely in the warmth of Graham's embrace. They sat right there on the ground, huddled together...and safe.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now