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PHOTO CREDITS: all images altered cityhall-pinterest: actual source unknown,,,, notes-my own work

NOTES: This chapter wrapped up the proposal, the swearing in ceremony, and then carried you to the end of the book...which of course, was the two of them FINALLY getting married. There will be a very short epilogue...just a quick peek at the happily ever after that they went through so much to get...


Graham smiled as he slipped the ring onto her finger and leaned forward to kiss her. Mr. Daevey began to clap and as Graham pulled her into an embrace, she realized that everyone was applauding. She even heard someone whistle, but when Graham kissed her again, she forgot to be embarrassed by the attention.

When she finally came back to her senses, they were seated but most of the tables had been cleared away. There were people dancing in one part of the empty space, and the rest was filled with people mingling. The conversation was a rushing sound, rather like a waterfall, she thought. She felt so happy, that she was a bit disconnected still.

All of the felicitations and congratulations seemed to go on and on. Aryana nodded and smiled and said all of the right things, but she knew that she wouldn't remember a single person.

...except maybe Mr. Daevey.

"Ms. Delosi," he said as he bent over her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. "May I say how very lucky your husband-to-be is. And if I had met you first, I never would have given him the chance to steal the sun away for his very own. I wish you many years of happiness and love, my dear."

Then Mr. Daevey turned to Graham and shook his hand, offering his congratulations and something else she was sure. But she only saw the pride that made Graham stand a little taller. And when Graham looked at her, he fairly glowed with love and the warmth of it fairly melted her bones. She was very glad that Graham had a cast, for it meant that they would remain seated. She didn't think she could stand if she tried.


Monday, January 4

Arayna awoke feeling refreshed and smiled as she stretched before rising from her bed. Today Graham would be sworn in and officially begin his second term as Mayor of Evans Creek. Sometime in the near future, she would become the Mayor's wife. ...and a mother! She always wanted to be a mother, but never expected it would be like this. At least she got to skip the messy diapers and sleepless nights.

...for now. She mentally added with a smile as she climbed into the shower. Thankfully, washing her hair didn't require an excess of thought because hers were wandering all over the place today. She tried to imagine life as Jesse's mother: bedtimes, mornings, homework, doctor's appointments, worrying over him when he was sick, kissing the hurts away...lots of the things they'd already done together. Just the same, it was wonderful to imagine all of that love just for her...for mama.

But in order to be Jesse's mother, she needed to be Graham's wife. It was everything she'd ever wished for, but.... This past year with Graham was filled with highs and lows. He made her crazy sometimes, but then he always did something amazing and everything was all right again. It wasn't like she imagined, and in some ways, it was better but when she married him, everything would change again, wouldn't it?

The thought of starting all over again was ominous. What Arayna wouldn't give to talk to her mother. Arayna reached for her phone half-a-dozen times since she'd said yes...and then she remembered Mama wouldn't be there to answer. Maybe she could talk to Mrs. Morgan. They all stayed at Graham's last night and were all going to the swearing in together.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now