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PHOTO CREDITS: background-pinterest: acutal source unknown, lettering-my own work, I voted, every vote counts, election day

NOTES: Lots more building up the tension in the air than just the election ...hmm.


"It was a very trying day for all of us, yesterday." Arayna whispered. "I'd be sleeping still if I didn't have this blistering headache."

"I thought you said it was nature calling." Graham frowned at her.

"That too." She used her I.V. pole as a crutch to cross to his bed side and kissed him on the cheek, "Don't worry, dear." She smiled sweetly as she squeezed his hand, "It's nothing a few Excedrin can't fix."

Bill held out her purse.

"Thanks." She winked and made her way toward the restroom.

"Your limp is pretty bad." Graham frowned again.

"Relax." She chuckled softly, "I'm just stiff. I took a pretty good tumble yesterday, if you'll recall. I'm sure I'll have a few colorful bruises in some other choice places too. But I promise to use crutches when I'm out of here until the doctor says otherwise."

"Ray." Graham frowned after her as she shut herself in the restroom.

"Graham." Bill sighed. "Don't smother."

"Beg pardon?" Graham frowned at Bill this time and Bill chuckled softly.

"You're like a brand-new mama, all hovering and worrying over every little thing." Bill shook his head. "Don't worry so much. She's fine. Besides, she's a big girl."

"I know. But it's been a long time since I've had anyone other than Jesse to worry about. And I can't help but thinking that maybe if I had worried a little more over Pamela then maybe—"

"Don't go there." Bill cut off.

Graham sighed. "You're right."

Arayna made her appearance then. She still wore the hospital gown, but she wore jeans underneath. Before he could process a thought to wonder where she'd gotten them, he remembered that she had a change of clothes and all the make-up and things from yesterday. He did notice how her breasts looked under the gown without a bra. His smile flipped to a frown as he glanced at Bill.

Bill was studying his cuff and when Graham looked back at Ray, she'd crossed her arms over her chest. He was disappointed, but it was just as well. Bill ...

"You never answered me, you know." Ray's blush was adorable and Graham felt his frown tugging back into a smile.

"What?" he asked, trying to wrap his mind around the change in topic.

"You were talking when I woke up. You said no one had seen him and I asked WHO."

"Daevey has disappeared." Bill re-entered the conversation.

"He's famous. And everyone around here knows him, and yet, the police have been unable to locate him because no one has seen him since he arrived at his hotel in Masonville."

"Isn't more likely that he's paid someone to say they never saw him." she shrugged. "No matter. We know he knows the woman in the videos. Liz said as much yesterday. We also know she is in Masonville, or she was a few days ago. Er-go—"

"Ah-ha!" Bill snapped his fingers and Jesse whimpered.

Graham frowned. Arayna bit her lip as she shuffled over to comfort Jesse.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now