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PHOTO CREDITS: Graham-imdb.com, Arayna-zimbio.com, Jesse-altered pinterest: actual source unknown, katie-pinterest: actual source unknown, shadow, my own work.

NOTES: A sneak peek at their HAPPY EVER AFTER!


February 14, Four years later, City Hall

"Mr. Mayor, your wife is on line two."

"Thank you, Evelyn." Graham smiled as he reached for the phone. "Hello beautiful."

"Hello husband." Arayna smiled. It took her two years to get her pre-baby body back after Catherine Lynn was born...and tomorrow they had an ultrasound to see who was going to steal her figure away this time. But he still called her beautiful. "I was calling to remind you that you need to leave early today. Jesse has that party at school and you promised to bring treats."

"I did." Graham shook his head and looked around for the sticky note he'd written to remind himself of that. "And I am glad you called, because I forgot. Is there any chance you can sneak away and—"

"I figured you might forget. I have the cookies decorated and in the cake carrier on the kitchen counter. Jesse is becoming as forgetful as you are, you know. He left his Valentines sitting on the counter this morning."

"I'll grab them when I get the cookies. Are you sure you can't come? I know Jesse would love to see you and Katie."

"I'm sure. Katie has a doctor's appointment, remember? Of course, you don't," Arayna chuckled, "What would you ever do without me?"

"I would be lost without you, love." Graham smiled. "And remind me again, what time is our appointment tomorrow to meet the newest Morgan?"

"I took the last appointment she had, 4:30pm, so don't be late."

"I wouldn't miss that for the world. I think we need to discuss names though."

"Second guessing Prudence as a girl's name?" she teased.

"Considering we are both only children, we've used up family girl's names when we named Katie after our mothers. A boy is an easy choice, we can name him Anthony David after our fathers. But we still need a girls' name, just in case."

"I'm thinking maybe Jennifer Elizabeth?"

"Pretty; but too long. Miranda?"

"I like that. Shakespeare. Marie for a middle name?"

"Well, let's try it out. Miranda Marie Morgan." He said sternly, "it rolls of f the tongue easy enough, so if she's half the trouble her sister is, you'll be able to toss out the full name easily enough."

"Smarty pants."

"I'm sure you remember how long it took me to shorten your name to Ray." He smiled, "or that the first thing Jesse said was that Ray was a boy's name."

"I remember." She smiled fondly.

"So, you won't be surprised that I'm glad you like Miranda and that I've decided that I will call her Randi."

"Oh, that's so cute." Arayna cooed, much more than she really felt, but blast the hormones that made her react to everything to the extremes.

"Randi Sue. Why don't we just name her Randi Sue?"

"Darling, as much as I adore it when you call me Ray, I do like that my full legal name is something unique and feminine. Our tom-boy daughter might like being called Randi, but someday she'll appreciate having a feminine name."

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now