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A child's imagination is truly a magnificent thing.  They can look at something (monkey bars) and immediately see it as something else (spaceship, tower, mountain). They  build off from each other's input as they play to build amazing adventures.   It takes so much more work to be creative as an adult.    Jesse, however, has an abundance of imagination.  I really had fun writing him.  In one version of this scene, Jesse wanted to be Batman and he wanted Graham to be Superman.


Arayna was laughing as she turned and left his office, heading for the door. It hadn't taken long for she and Graham to settle back into the familiar easiness they had always felt in each other's company. As she waited next to Graham's car, her laughter died as she recalled another set of feelings that rekindled.

Except it was different. With a sigh, she tipped her head back and looked up at the sky, letting her thoughts flow by like the clouds. It was puppy love that kept her chasing after him before. But she didn't think what she felt now was a crush. She'd had her share of those, living in D.C. with all the affluence.

She felt the friendship with Graham. It was a stronger and deeper connection than they had ever shared as youth. There was admiration for the way he pulled himself together and kept going after Pamela's death. There was respect for his obvious capabilities to care for the people of Evans Creek.

Most of the time she managed to maintain a professional working relationship. Even when they were together afterhours or at events, she managed to keep things to the level of friendship. But there were times, more than she wanted to admit to, when she felt her stomach flutter or her heart beat a bit too fast for just a friend.

"Ray Ray said we were going to have to feed you."

She turned and saw Jesse riding on Graham's shoulders. The looked they shared made her stomach do that flutter thing.

"I did." She squeaked, and cleared her throat, glad they didn't notice her faux pas, "I did. In fact, our to-go order should be ready by now so we can pick it up on the way."

"You ordered to-go?"

"I did. Let's see, Chicken club, no mayo, side of Dijon. House salad, side of bleu cheese and a Diet soda. And for the champ, mac and cheese, fruit cup, and chocolate milk."

"YES!" Jesse chimed from above them.

Graham laughed as he lowered Jesse to the ground. Jesse took off as soon as his feet hit the ground and ran around to Arayna's side.

"Let me! Let me!"

Anticipating the request, Arayna held the keys out. He snatched them up with a grin and stood a little taller as he pressed the button to unlock the car. He chuckled as the car chirped and the lights flashed.

"Give those to your dad and then get buckled so we can pick up lunch before it gets cold."

Jesse skipped around the car and handed the keys up.

"Did you see that!" he laughed. "I can skip HIGH!"

Graham shared a look with Ray and ruffled Jesse's hair. "I sure did, Monkey. Now let's get going before I get so hungry, I have to gobble up a little boy!"

Jesse squealed in delight and hurried to climb up into the car and get himself buckled into his car seat. Graham slid behind the wheel and tossed a quick look at Ray as he backed out of the parking space. He was quiet until they pulled onto the road.

"You really placed a to-go order at the café because you knew I wouldn't have eaten lunch."

"I really did." She chuckled, eyes forward.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now