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Photo Credit: Background-Google Search  Cat :  Dog :     The only thing that could be cuter than these two, (I meant the animals, of course) are the 'big, strong men' turned all mushy over puppy eyes and playful kittens.  Makes you wonder how Graham talked Jesse out of adopting one...or two.


"That's where you're wrong." Bill announced with confidence. "You've got a great track record in office. Your college program, after school programs, and this new special Olympics next year are important to a whole lot of people. What we need to do is make people realize they ALREADY have a celebrity in office—you're the better choice because you're one of Evans Creek's own, born and bred."

"The way you say that makes me sound like a prized bull." Graham groused.

"Politics, my boy." Bill was on a roll and he rolled right over the sarcasm, "You're still golden. It's all about image. Now, word is that there might be a few other candidates on the ballot, but since Daevey announced his bid, it's going to come down to the two of you at the polls. We need to start campaigning—NOW."

"Fine." Graham sighed in resignation. This was the part of politics that he didn't like. "How do you propose we do that, O Great and Powerful Oz?"

"Your faith in me is very reassuring." Bill replied sourly, "We need to get you out there again. We're going to need more than twenty percent turn-out at the polls if we're going to win this. I'll get another photo shoot scheduled. We need to make you look desirable...You would help if you'd start dating again."

"NO." Graham's reply was instant and final. "I'm a widower. That is a fact. I have a young son. Also, a fact. You can wave the single dad flag all you want but I'm not going to start dating as a campaign gimmick. And just so we're on the same page here, IF I did decide to start dating at some future time, it won't be a public affair. My private life is not tabloid fodder!"

"Fine. No tabloid campaigns." Bill snapped, no doubt annoyed that Graham shot him down so swiftly, "But that doesn't change the fact that we need to make you famous again to pull this off. You need to get in the public eye...often...everyday if it becomes necessary. We have to make this town proud to have such a great guy for mayor."

Graham repressed a groan. Bill was talking public appearances and baby kissing.

"Just tell me where I need to be and I'll be there. But remember the single dad thing. Jesse will be starting school in a few weeks, so I'll have to work around that."

"Understood. We have one year to make you famous in this town. I suggest you take your tux to the cleaners and dust off your people-charming skills."

"I'm always charming, Bill." Graham quipped.

Bill was still laughing when he hung up a few seconds later. Graham set his phone down and stared at it.

Famous. Not likely. But then again, this was Evans Creek—and after everything, the saying was actually quite true: everyone is famous in a small town.

"Baby-kissing." He mumbled as he shook his head and flipped to a fresh page in his notebook. He needed to start brainstorming.

When Jesse woke up an hour later, the page was still blank...except for the doodles along the edges.

"Damn." He muttered as he tossed the pen down. His fingers threaded his hair as he sighed. "I need help."

"Can Ray-Ray help?" Jesse's sweet voice piped up from behind him.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now