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Photo Credits: balloons-modified,, banner-pinterest, source unknown

I've always loved planning parties, working out themes and coming up with the perfect decorations, etc.  But that would be very boring to write about, so I tried to keep it simple.  Ray waves a magic wand and like a fairy godmother, she transforms the home into an ocean party.  Well, not quite that easy, but you get the idea.  The point was to show that even when sad things happen, we still need to carry on and remember that each day is precious and even when we're sad, we need to try to find joy in the life that remains.


Graham wanted to prepare Jesse, but his own grief made it difficult. It hurt so much to attend his father's funeral at 16, but Mr. Delosi had stepped in and helped to fill that void. It was difficult to see such a vibrant man as Mr. Del—Dad—so reduced...and confined to that chair. But it was a real struggle to contemplate life without Dad at all. And then, when he thought of Ray being left all alone...

"Jesse." Graham swallowed the lump in his throat and stopped outside the doors to the ICU. "Gramps is very sick and soon he will go away to be in heaven."

"I don't want Gramps to go away." Jesse frowned, and looked at Graham through teary eyes.

Graham scooped Jesse up into his arms and sighed as the boy wrapped Graham in one of his special hugs, burying his little nose in Graham's neck.

"I don't want Gramps to go away either, monkey. But sometimes things happen that we don't like."

"Like when Mommy went to heaven." Jesse mumbled into Graham's neck, "I didn't like that."

"I didn't like that either. We need to remember that Gramps is very sick right now God will make him all better when he gets to heaven." Graham felt new tears burn his eyes. "And this is different than when Mommy went to heaven because we get to say goodbye first. But if it makes you too sad, I can take you to sit with Grandma."

Jesse squeezed so tightly that Graham had a hard time drawing a decent breath, or maybe that was just Graham's grief choking him. It seemed he was destined to lose his father a second time. Lost in his own grief, Graham didn't realize Jesse was speaking until the boy pushed at his shoulder.

"I want to go see Gramps now." Jesse repeated, smiling through his tears. "I want to tell Gramps goodbye and ask him if he can take care of Mommy for me until I can get to heaven, too."

Graham smiled through his tears as pride swelled.

"Let's go say goodbye to Gramps." Graham wiped his cheeks dry as he pushed the doors open.

Graham was always a little intimidated by hospitals with all of the tubes and machines. He found it hard to visit the sick, especially since Pamela passed. But Jesse didn't seem to notice. Maybe it was because Gramps was partially impaired and on oxygen when Jesse first met him. Watching Jesse, Graham figured that was probably partly true, but the bigger part of it was that Jesse was Pamela's son, too.

Jesse was too short to see so Graham picked him up, intending to hold him. Jesse had different ideas and slid down to sit very carefully on Gramps's lap. Jesse talked to Gramps, and told him to take care of Mommy, just like he said he would. Graham recognized an answering smile. Gramps spoke in slow broken thoughts. Graham strained to understand, but Jesse seemed to have little trouble.

"I promise, Gramps. I love you, Gramps." Jesse smiled and started to lean forward. He almost fell onto Gramps chest, but Graham scooped him up and held him securely so he could kiss Gramps's cheek without pressing on the man's belabored chest.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now