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Photo Credits: whiskey background-modified,;;

Talk about being stuck between the rocks and a hard place--and what a hard place to be, in the dark and waiting desperately for a message while watching the clock that never seems to move forward...

THIS CHAPTER WAS RE-WRITTEN 07/23/2020.  If you read it prior to the rewrite, you might want to read it again.


"Graham, no PR guy ever wants to hear "we have a problem" from a client; especially if that client is in a very close race for the mayor's seat."

"Two problems." Graham corrected and rolled down the passenger window as the officer approached from that side.

"Hello Officer." Graham said holding out his proof of insurance and registration.

"Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?"

"Speeding." Graham answered politely as the officer took the papers. Then to Bill. "I'll tell you everything when I get back to town. Right now, I need you to call Ray. Let her know I need to talk to her."

"Graham." Bill gave a long-suffering sigh, "What happened?"

"Driver's license?"

"I have to go, Bill." He hung up the phone and tossed it to the seat before he unbuckled his belt to retrieve his wallet. "I'm sorry officer. I don't—"

"You're that Morgan?" The officer asked a moment later as he looked at the ID.

Graham was beginning to get used to being recognized by strangers, and drew a breath to offer the standard thanks for your vote speech. He clamped his mouth closed as the officer's surprise soured in an instant. Graham held his breath as he waited, confused at the officer's reaction.

"Mayor Morgan..." sarcasm dripped from the words and the officer finished with a twisted snarl: "the Louse."

"I beg your pardon?" Graham blinked. Had the officer gone mad?

"You know," The officer began. "My wife and I were fans."

Graham relaxed into his seat and let his head fall back against the head rest. It must be a prank.

"My wife is always sending me little pictures and videos when I work a long shift. It's kinda cute, you know."

Graham looked at the officer curiously. The officer smiled. Relieved, Graham sat straighter to receive the punch line with good grace.

"Well, about half an hour ago she sent me this video, and I gotta say" The officer looked down at Graham like a principal scolding a wayward student. "...Not Cool."

"Also, not true." Graham answered as civilly as he could manage, more than ready to be done with this little interview. "I've never seen that woman before and—"

This was no prank. This was a nightmare. If strangers reacted this badly...What must Ray think?

"I don't believe you and what's more I don't even like you." The officer shook his head, "But there's no law against cheating on your girlfriend. So, the best I can do is write you a ticket for speeding." With flourish the officer handed the ticket through the window.

"Your autograph please."

Graham resisted the urge to respond. He scrawled a vague resemblance to his signature and waited impatiently for the officer to hand him back his papers. Ignoring the smug look from the officer, Graham tossed everything on the seat and nodded politely before he pulled smoothly onto the road. Every cell in his body was vibrating with the need to go get to Ray...

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now