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Photo Credit: Google search-source unknown.     As I imagined Arayna's road home might look like.  It's the kind of a drive that you can get a lot of thinking done, or just get lost in the simple beauty of it all.


Three Years Ago, October

Arayna tapped her leg while bouncing her knee anxiously. She wasn't a nervous flier but Daddy called three hours ago to say that Mama was in the hospital...and he didn't want to talk about it over the phone.

She peeked at her watch again. Ugh. It was a short flight but time was a strange thing. When she hung up last night, she used her laptop to book a flight and then scrambled to pack a bag. Since then, she couldn't think about anything else. She tapped and bounced and tried very hard not to check her watch again.

Daddy said she didn't need to come, but he didn't argue when she said that she was booking the next flight out. Did that mean he wanted her to come but didn't want to ask? Or did that just mean that he was smart enough to realize that his only daughter inherited his stubborn streak and couldn't be talked out of it?

Arayna checked her watch again and heard the old lady in the next seat sigh. Arayna rolled her eyes. So what if she bounced her knee and checked her watch every ten minutes. Arayna was the one squished in the middle of the row—in the middle of the plane. She bounced and tapped and finally gave up and checked her watch again.

This time the lady on the other side of her groaned. What was their problem anyway? Arayna was about to let out another long-suffering sigh when the fasten seatbelt sign dinged on and the captain announced they would be landing soon.


Seatbelts clicked and voices rose in crescendo as they taxied to the gate. She ignored the women on either side of her and pulled out her phone.

As a child she memorized her home number and Mrs. Morgan's number in case of emergencies. And after all these years, both numbers were still in service. Daddy didn't answer, so she dialed Mrs. Morgan. At last, with her carry on in hand, she hustled toward the car rentals.

One very long and weary hour later she pulled into the Enterprise Car Rentals in Masonville. Mrs. Morgan drove a newer model of the Chrysler she drove when they were kids; but otherwise, the woman hadn't changed. Mrs. Morgan's smile was just as warm and her hug just as welcoming.

"I'm buying you a cup of coffee." Mrs. Morgan stated as they climbed into the car.

"I can get—"

"And a sandwich." Mrs. Morgan continued as if Arayna wasn't speaking. With a sigh, Arayna tipped her head back and let the woman do the mothering bit.

"I know you, Arayna Delosi. You never did eat right. And then on the way to Evan's Creek I'm going to tell you what's been going on. I'm really glad you're here."

"Me too, Mrs. Morgan." Arayna said without opening her eyes. "Me too."


Mrs. Morgan drove them straight to the hospital and followed Arayna inside. Arayna stepped toward information but paused at a gentle touch on her shoulder.

"Your Mama is in room 612. That's on the sixth floor, honey. I'm going to get more coffee and I'll meet you up there."

"Thank you, Mrs. Morgan." Arayna offered a sad smile as she watched the woman walk away before crossing to the elevators. When she found room 612, she stopped at the doorway unable make herself go inside.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now