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Photo Credits:,  monkey,,, mom, tea cup, red, handmade heart card- pinterest (source unknown)

I know Graham's dilemma.  Sometimes you walk in and boom the right card is just easy to find.  and then there's that person that is so hard to get anything for that none of the cards ever seem to be "the right one".  But that might be just because I'm a woman.  Kevin James did a very funny segment on the difference on how men and women select cards in his special: Don't Never Give Up. Look it up sometime.  Anyway, I can relate... but I had to torture Graham just a little.  What sort of author would I be if I made everything EASY for the characters? 


When Jesse's chatter slowed sufficiently to allow external input, Ray called to Graham from the other room. Carrying Jesse, he was surprised to see her near the door, bundled up and ready to leave. He couldn't explain his sudden disappointment so he pushed it aside.

"Don't forget this weekend is the Wing Fest at the high school. You're to appear Sunday at two for the judging and the presentation of the prize check afterward."

"Mom and Jesse are going tomorrow to wander the booths and sample the food. She's been looking forward to it all week. She told me she entered a recipe but one of her friends is going to present it so that there isn't any appearance of partiality when she wins."

"When she wins?"

Ray's face reflected her amusement and her laughter was light as it floated around them, falling like a light rain, refreshing all it touched...

Since when did he wax poetic? Probably because he spent almost an hour at the Hallmark store in Masonville reading Valentine's Day Cards.

It only took one or two cards to find the right one for his mother and his son. After an hour he still hadn't found one right for Ray. It wasn't until he was halfway back to Evan's Creek when he remembered it was always like that for Pamela too. That's why he always made her cards. He would have to dig out Jesse's arts and crafts box tonight and see what he could do.

Lord he was horrible at this sentimental stuff. Shit. Ray asked him a question before he started with the crazy mental rambling...what was it again? Oh...yeah...

Graham cleared his throat and was relieved that at least his voice was normal.

"That's what she said." He chuckled nervously trying very hard to stay focused on the conversation.

It didn't help that she was smiling like that.

"She's confident." Ray smiled warmly, "I love that about her." She turned to go. "Oh, before I go..." she turned to look at him over her shoulder, "Should I call you Sunday to remind you?"

"No need. You reminded me today, and I have the calendar."

"At the office?" she raised her eyebrow skeptically.

"Right." He ignored how cute she looked challenging him. "Call me around noon."

She nodded and walked through the door. When she was halfway down the walk she called back: "Bye Jesse!"

He and Jesse watched until she was in the car and Jesse waved.

Suddenly Jesse screeched out "Bye Ray-Ray!" and wiggled to get down. Graham cringed as he closed the door and sent Jesse scampering off to find something to do. Standing again, he rubbed his ear and shook his head. The boy was small, but he had a powerful set of lungs on him! Graham took two steps and stopped suddenly; his gaze drifted down the hall after Jesse.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now