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Photo Credits:, kiss-modified,


Graham had been a fool long enough. They were alone on this ride, safe from prying eyes and eavesdroppers. And he could tell from the way she tensed in his arms that he had her full attention. He would not find a better opportunity.

"I can't tell you the precise moment, or even the day. What I can tell you, is that I have fallen hopelessly in love with you, Arayna Delosi. You're my best friend, and so much more than that. I'm only sorry it took so long for me to tell you."

Graham stared into her eyes, her face...Her eyes grew round as she let out a little gasp. His eyes dropped to the perfect little O her lips made and his stomach flipped. Their basket was stopped at the top and he decided it was the perfect moment to kiss really kiss her.

Neither noticed when they began moving again...or when they stopped...or when the carnival worker lifted the bar to let them out. Camera's flashed and they still didn't move away.

"Ahem." The carnival worker cleared his throat and hid a smile behind his fist. "Mr. Mayor, sir?"

Ray squeaked and curled into him, burying her face in his shoulder. Graham groaned as he turned to shield her from the cameras with his body. He gestured with his free hand. "Another round, if you would, please?"

"Sure thing, Mr. Mayor." The carnival worker laughed as he locked the bar back in place and signaled to start the ride moving again.

They stopped every few yards as the baskets emptied and new riders boarded. Ray remained curled into his side, and he was content to hold her in his arms.

"You can come out now." Graham smiled as he watched Ray cautiously peek out.

When she realized they were stopped at the top she sighed and relaxed against him.

"I think the nice gentleman is giving us a moment." Graham offered.

"How mortifying!"

"Being caught kissing your sweetheart on the Ferris wheel?" Graham teased.

"That wasn't just a kiss and you know it." She leaned back and slapped him on the chest. "we were completely oblivious to—I'm sure the pictures in the paper will be—"

"Pictures of a man and a woman kissing on the Ferris wheel. We are not the first, my love, and we will most certainly not be the last." Graham pointed over front of their basket. Her gaze followed and she saw a pair of teenagers engaged in heavy petting a few cars below them.

"I'm still mortified." She blushed as she jabbed a finger into his ribs, "but that does help a little."

Arayna blew a breath and relaxed, letting her head rest against his arm as she looked up at the stars. She sat up so suddenly their basket rocked and Graham gripped her shoulder with one arm as he used his other to grab the bar in front of them.

"I just realized..."

"You just realized..." he prompted after she'd gone a moment without speaking, but grateful she settled against him again and their basket stopped rocking.

"I'm starved!"

Graham joined her laughter as he leaned over the side to wave at the carnival worker below. The man waved back and they started their descent.

"What will it be, my love?" Graham chuckled as they neared the ground. "Indian Fry Bread or Chile Corn Dogs?"


Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now