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I wanted my characters to seem real, and flawed.  In this story only Mr. Hollywood has the right to seem perfect.  So I gave my characters insecurities and OMG moments.  For example: Have you ever been thinking and accidentally said something out loud when you didn't mean to?  Even more embarrassing when you don't realize you spoke out loud until someone responds to you.  Or worse, even when you don't actually say anything out loud, but your face says things you wish it wouldn't and gets you into "trouble"?  Definitely OMG moments!


The door opened and Graham's breath caught. Arayna looked... Perfectly professional. Incredibly put-together. Serenely lovely. And sexy as hell.

"You look really nice...handsome!" Ray blushed as she smiled bashfully at him. Graham's stomach fluttered.

Damn. It wasn't this bad when I was a green boy chasing after Pamela.

"That's because when you were a green boy chasing Pamela, you had no real idea what you were in for when you caught up to her." Jim answered just loud enough for Graham to hear after the women went ahead of them toward the door.

Graham only groaned as he followed the practically perfect people in front of him. But maybe Jim was right. Maybe he needed to look a bit rumpled; to look as vulnerable as he felt. Still, Ray sang the man's praises and even Bill thought Jim's advice was solid.

Maybe it was just the ex-boyfriend thing that bothered him?

"As far as exes go, there's nothing left between us. In fact, it was all one-sided, which is why we decided we were better off as friends." Jim assured under his breath.

"I really need to keep my mouth shut." Graham grumbled.

"Indeed." Jim smirked as he climbed in the passenger side of Graham's car after closing the door for the ladies.

Graham rolled his eyes and climbed in.

Half an hour later they were assembled on Mr. Daevey's front step. It was decided that Jim would lead the discussion, as he was a recognized and respected figure in the political arena.

"Mr. Daevey will join you shortly." The little man announced before he seemed to fade into the woodwork.

"Well, at least the bar is stocked." Jim said as he made his way over. "And with the good stuff. Scotch?"

Graham shook his head. Way too early for him...although that was an exceptionally good...

"Is there a water bottle?" Arayna asked as she nervously clasped her hands, trying not to rub them on her skirt.

"Evian." Jim grinned as he brought two from the mini-fridge and offered one to each woman sitting primly on the small and very expensive designer loveseat.

"Thanks." They said in unison before settling in for a silent wait.

"I never realized it before," Jim said back at his place near the bar as he sipped the very expensive scotch. "But you two look very similar at first glance."

"You think so?" Liz frowned.

"I always liked your eyes better than mine." Arayna whispered with a wink and added a little louder. "No, you're mistaken, Jim. Liz is much prettier than me."

"No, Graham, tell her she's mistaken. Arayna is much prettier than I am." Liz played along.

'I—uh" Jim shot Graham a sympathetic look and remained silent. Graham picked saw the almost imperceptible shake of Jim's head and wisely followed Jim's lead as Graham became very interested in his cuff link. Jim was right, there was nothing Graham could say that wouldn't land him in trouble with one or the other of the women. Thankfully, Daevey chose that moment to enter.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now