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Photo credits:, Graham lost, Graham, Graham 1st, Graham early years at City Hall-pinterest source unknown.

For every single story I write, I start with character lists and research.  I make a character page for each major character.  If I find images that fit my idea of the character, I collect them here.  I refer back to this a lot during the writing.  It helps me keep my characters true to themselves.    Here, I share the character page for our mayor, Mr. Graham Morgan.


Graham Edward Morgan

· 6'4", brown hair, brown eyes, tall athletic build—most days he's in a suit-long sleeves/tie, most days clean-shaven WIDOWER

· Birthday: January 6, 1978

· Mother: Rebecca Morgan, Father (deceased) David Morgan

· he was the "golden boy" in HS: the perfect athlete/student—every boy wanted to be him, and every girl wanted to be his girlfriend

· he went to college on scholarship

· when he came home, he got into politics to make a difference and worked hard to get past the HS image of "Golden Boy" so that he would be taken seriously.

· He was elected replacement for Deputy Mayor, and shortly after that he became mayor after the mayor died suddenly—the next term, he was elected on his own merit but as Bill likes to point out, only 21% of the voters turned out—Now he's running for re-election against Celebrity Bryan Paevey and he will have to work really hard to remind the people that he's a great mayor because this time, the publicity will draw most of the voters out, making the odds against much higher.

· Single dad, managing alright enough, but struggling.

· Close relationship with his mother, not a mama's boy. After his dad died when he was 16, he became the man of the house, so he still takes care of his mom.

· His mom helps him with Jesse since Pamela died.

· Loves Sunday breakfast with his mom and his son. It's a way to let Jesse build up a collection of fond memories of Grandma. Besides, his mom is a way better cook than he is

· Okay cook, for a bachelor. He knows a few simple dishes from when Pamela was alive, but he's no gourmet...but hey, they won't starve and Jesse hasn't complained yet.

· Sometimes he goes down to the school during football practice and helps the coach out. He enjoys working with the youth

· His passion as mayor, was to improve education and opportunities for youth. He wants every kid in Evans Creek to have the chance to go to college, if that's what they want.

· Also, he has a real soft spot for kids with disabilities. His next big project will be to coordinate with other cities in the county and bring Special Olympics to town. He likes the slogan he heard once: It's not a disability, it's a DIFFERENT ability.

· Outside of work: he likes to read mysteries and thrillers (fiction), he enjoys a football game on TV when he can, and sometimes goes out with Jenn and Bill for fun, but mostly outside of work he spends his time with Jesse. It troubles him that Jesse has been having such a hard time since Pamela died. He just wants Jesse to be happy again...

· Graham tells himself that he's accepted that Pamela is gone. But he talks to her all the time, almost on a daily basis. He used to visit her grave weekly, but now it is once a month. He still misses her like crazy and hasn't changed anything about the house except to box up and donate her things when his mother insisted.

· When Bill or Jenn suggest a blind date, Graham shoots it down. He won't even consider dating again. Probably because he's still stuck in the past, with Pamela. At least he is until Ray comes back into their lives and nudges him back in to the present...where he can finally begin to consider the future.

· Actor who best fits my image of Graham: Jonathan Chase



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THE FORGOTTEN YEARS: AFTER Evans Creek Golden Boy, but BEFORE Mayor Morgan

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THE FORGOTTEN YEARS: AFTER Evans Creek Golden Boy, but BEFORE Mayor Morgan.

THE FORGOTTEN YEARS: AFTER Evans Creek Golden Boy, but BEFORE Mayor Morgan

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Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now