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Photo Credits:, strawberries-iloveinnscom,

I think I rewrote this at least a dozen times.  I think it's finally just the right mix of awkward and sweet.  Let me know what you think in the comments!  Don't worry though, it's totally PG.  I don't write bodice-rippers.


"We're here, sweetheart." He said softly, enjoying the way it felt to have a sweetheart again.

"Hmm." Ray mumbled.

"You need to wake up, love." He stroked her cheek as he spoke softly, admitting it was more than a sobriquet.

She smiled up at him with a sleepy smile and he wondered for just a moment what it would be like to see that smile every morning. Now wasn't the time, so he cleared his musings away as he helped her untangle from him and climb out.

"I'm drunk." Ray mumbled. "I'm sorry to spoil."

"You're not spoiling anything, love."

With an arm around her waist, he kept her upright as she leaned heavily on him and teetered on her high heels up to the front doors. Once they reached the desk, he tipped his head down and whispered to her.

"Take off your shoes love. It will be easier for you to walk."

"Eggshell lint idea!" she said.

Graham smiled indulgently as she leaned against the counter and fumbled with her shoes. He completed the check-in and turned down the in-room breakfast. It was already after two in the morning and he wasn't sure what time Ray would wake up. He probably shouldn't have finished the other half of the bottle of champagne but what the hell. He didn't have to work for a few days.

Ray walked a little easier without her shoes, but she still leaned heavily on him. He hadn't had much to drink since New Year's so he was still pretty buzzed himself. Ray leaned against the wall in the corner of the elevator and almost went to sleep on him. He chuckled as the doors opened on their floor. She drank even less often than he did, so she was really going to be feeling it in the morning.

He lifted her over his shoulder in a fireman's carry and after working the door, got her to the bed.

"Ray, honey."

"Hm?" she mumbled as he tried to help her out of her coat.

"You need to let go of your shoes so you can get your arm through the sleeve." He bit his lip so he wouldn't laugh at her, although he doubted if she would remember much of this in the morning.

She tried to get out of the little red jacket thing she was wearing and got stuck part way down her arms. She tried wiggling, but he quickly put a stop to that. He was a little drunk and the way she shimmied in that see-through blouse with the lace of her bra rubbing back and forth against the silk...well, he wasn't a saint when he was sober...

Instead, he helped her out of the little jacket and under the covers just as there was a knock at the door. A hotel employee had a little cart with two bottles of champagne on ice, and plate of chocolate covered strawberries.

"The champagne and strawberries are with the room, sir." Producing a plain brown shopping bag, he added: "And your driver left this for you sir."

He accepted the items and tipped the staff with extra for them to send up a few bottles of water and a bottle of aspirin.

Ray's skirt, blouse and stockings were in a heap on the floor by the bed and Ray was snuggled into the pillow sound asleep when he returned.

Toeing off his shoes, he draped his jacket and tie over the back of a chair. He slipped out of the trousers and hung his shirt on the back of the chair. He often slept in his boxers and t-shirt anyway. He tried not to think of the little lace things she must be wearing as she slept an arm's length away. Until he had a chance to talk to her, he had to remind himself—fervently—that she was only his pretend girlfriend.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now