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PHOTO CREDITS: background-altered pinterest: actual source unknown,

NOTES: Ah, the perfect Christmas-time father-son activity: Wrapping presents. Hot Cocoa, Marshmallows...and a new mom?!?  Kids say the darndest things...


True to her word, his mother was back in two days with the modified pants. He changed immediately into a pair of the jeans and later as he sat working on his laptop, on his lap of all places, as he reclined stretched out on the sofa with his aching leg on a pillow, he glanced up and noticed his cast and had a thought that surprised him: He was blessed.

His eyes landed on his favorite signature made with big letters in blue crayon: JESSE. As he smiled, his eyes sought out his second favorite, the big red-sharpie heart with the fancy cursive Ray inside. She had made lots of curly-ques and swirls around her letters. His smile reached his eyes, and then his heart. His mother's signature was in the mess somewhere, as was Bill's, Jenn's, Jim's, Liz's and so many others he could scarcely see the white of the original cast.

He was truly blessed.


Christmas Eve, Graham and Jesse worked hard to wrap their gifts. Ray and his mother were banished from the house until dinner time. Graham enjoyed spending the time alone with Jesse, but more than once...or twice...or thrice... Jesse made the comment that "Ray-Ray would know how to do it nicer.", or "Ray-Ray would know where the extra tape went."

"And Ray-Ray would definitely know that now was the perfect time to take a break and get some cookies." Graham announced, picking the tiny bits of tape from his fingers.

"...and she would make the bestest cocoa and she knows just how many marshmallows..." Jesse said wistfully as he waited for Graham to get to his feet and followed. In the quiet of the empty house, Graham noticed that his crutches squeaked and was glad that his family would be back by supper time.

"I like it super when it's just you and me, Daddy." Jesse sighed as he climbed up on a bar stool. "But I like it when Ray-Ray is with us too."

"Me too, Monkey." Graham agreed as he balanced on his crutches and made cocoa and a plate of cookies (which Ray-Ray baked with Jesse yesterday) ...

"I wish she could stay here all the time and not have to go back to that other part-mint she stays at. I don't think she should be all alone. She should stay here and take care of me, cuz she's really the bestest at making cookies and she cooks yummy and gives good hugs too."

"Hey now." Graham laughed as he set the plate of cookies on the counter and turned back for a cup of cocoa, which was trickier on crutches. "You never starved after Mom...well, before Ray-Ray came, when it was just you and me."

"No. Guess not. But..." Jesse bit into the cookie and started to speak. "But I like—oops."

"Swallow first, then talk." Graham scolded gently as he set the mug of cocoa down and reached for the marshmallows.

"See, Ray-Ray don't let me talk with my mouthful. She's just better at the Mama stuff than yo—" Jesse stopped himself in mid-sentence as his eyes opened wide in surprise and his little mouth made a perfect little O.

"Don't worry, Monkey." Graham chuckled and ruffled Jesse's hair, glad to see relief flood the boy's face as he continued. "I think you're right. Ray is better at the Mama stuff than me."

"But you're really good at the Daddy stuff!" Jesse eagerly amended and emphasizing his statement by nodding so hard his little chin slammed into his chest.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now