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Photo Credit:    Honestly, I don't think there are very many things that hit the "Awwww" factor the way a tuckered out child riding in the car does.  Their little rosy cheeks and for that few minutes they're just so darned precious.   And then they wake up...and the precocious is back.  (wink).  I have pictures of my sons at that age in the same pose...and even one of my youngest son in the same pose...when he was 17.  I took him to a NASCAR race and tuckered him out.  (Mama's still got the fun factor!)


Ray seemed intent on changing the subject. Although he found it odd, he complied.


"It was difficult at first, trying to figure out a way to prioritize things. But then it occurred to me, different events have different reasons for prioritizing."

"Yyyyyyeeeeeeep." He drawled out, "otherwise, there wouldn't be much point in prioritizing."

The only sign she gave that she heard him was an eye-roll.

"Personal obligations are always first. Next is Mayoral duties, and lastly are the campaign events."

He nodded.

"But each group of events must also be sorted in order of importance, because you simply can't be everywhere at once."

"Do go on, oh great and wise one."

This time she scrunched her brow and shook her head before continuing.

He was getting to her.

"That's when it occurred to me to sort the stack of invitations and events into three piles. After that, sorting each pile was much easier. I put the personal obligations in the calendar first. They are in blue and marked with J or G. That helped because I knew if there was a conflict between your interests and Jesse's you'd put his interests first."


This time she nodded.

"The Mayoral items and the Campaign items are in black and preceded by an M or C. Again, if there was a conflict, I knew you would want to attend to existing mayoral business before entertaining any campaign business."

"That goes without saying."

"You might be surprised." She drolled sarcastically.

"If this were anything but politics, I'd say you were right."

"Honestly." She sighed as she shook her head AND rolled her eyes.

Graham suddenly flashed back to when they were children and how much fun he had annoying her then. It was still fun, he thought with a smile.

"So." He reached for the calendar when she crossed her arms, "Are your entries marked with A?"

"Beg pardon?" She frowned.

"Your appointments and such. Are they in blue or black?"

"I hadn't entered any of my appointments." She frowned. "I haven't many. I visit Daddy every Saturday and Sunday is reserved for my personal errands and such."

"How will I know where to find you?"

"I'll be right here." She shook her head. "I made an electronic copy of the calendar. I emailed it to Bill and myself so I can access it from my tablet when we're out of the office. That way if something comes up, I can make adjustments immediately."

"I don't get a copy?"

"You're looking at your copy." She frowned at him as he flipped through the pages.

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now